Whirlwind Missions

Monday, June 4, 2007

Tim A. Cummins @ 4:53 pm  

Ashley and I went back to Marietta to check on our Team at Spring Chase. They were doing great! Their youth director, Austin Allridge, is a great guy and I knew they’d do fine. We shot lots of pix and video for the web site.

We went to Northlake Mall to look for books and to pick up a soldering iron so I could fix the intercom system at FBC Doraville. I picked up the mail and checked on my plants.

Came home and worked on email/admin stuff.

In the middle of my email work I got a call from Ashley that said that her boyfriend Miles had fainted in the parking lot. He was taken to the ER in an ambulance. I spent a couple of hours at the hospital with his family and Ashley. She’s with him now. He got his face banged up a bit and whacked his knee pretty hard. He still has to have an EKG and a CAT scan to make sure he’s ok and try and figure out why he passed out. I reckon he was just really tired and the heat got to him. Sure hope that’s all it is.

The kid’s like a son to me. He’s a sweet ol’ boy. Sure didn’t like to see him beat up.

Lord, we ask a blessing on Miles. Protect him, guide the doctors. We bind the evil one any kind of spirit of fear or apprehension. AMEN.

Thanks for praying for him.