Whirlwind Missions

Friday, June 29, 2007

Tim A. Cummins @ 12:03 pm  

Yesterday I endured the worst dentist experience of my life.

I thought the root canal was going to be the hard part.  It was nothing compared to the pain I had yesterday.  The dentist was filling in and kept saying, “I need to hurry up.  I gotta be in Alanta at 2pm.”  First he told me the procedure would take about an hour and a half.  Then he saw the clock and proclaimed, “We’ll see if we can do this in an hour.”  He continued to rush and then drilled into the side of my tongue!  The final blow was when he announced in a loud tone, “I gotta get outta here so I can go make some REAL money.”

I felt like I had be brutalized, insulted and had $355 taken out of my wallet.  Man.

So I just went home and moped around and felt like crying.  What a baby.

I took pictures of my tongue.

Yes, they’ll end up on the internet.

Kathy and I went up Stone Mountain this morning.  I had teams to visit, but Kathy needed me worse.

Ashley wrote the last of the newsletters and got them in the mail.  I think this new refrigerator magnet clip idea is going to work great.  If you’re not on my regular mailing list but want to be, email me at timacummins@gmail.com.
