Ashley came with me today to help me orient one of our new teams from Meadowbrook Baptist Church, Oxford, Alabama. The group served in six locations and really did a great job. Ashley shot pictures with her Canon Sure Shot and I shot video with the Soni HandiCam. The pix are on the web at the Photo Gallery.
We also went to Frye Electronics. We are looking for a new monitor and checked out the prices of the Macs there. Seems to be the same price at the Mac Store. I also picked up another Remote Control Micro Helicopter. That thing has been fun. It flies around the house like a hummingbird. The real hummingbird I saw at my feeder two days ago. Super groovy.
Kathy and I watched the Ninth Gate with Johnny Depp. It was an ok movie. Are all chicks crazy about Johnny Depp or what?
Took care of my admin work. Email. Phone calls. Bank. (PTL!)
I’ve run 4 miles the last three days in a row. Today I rest.