Run! Too Hot for Running!
I usually think of myself as a pretty smart guy.
Not today.
I looked at my thermometer before I went for a run. 91. Didn’t sound too bad.
First mile fine. Second mile not that great. Third mile started running in the grass, avoiding the asphalt at all costs, looking for shade trees.
Fourth mile I walked. Can’t remember the last time I couldn’t do my usual run, but today wasn’t usual.
Made it home fine, although my shoulders are pretty sunburned.
Took a cool shower and rested.
Just fine now, but when I got into my car the temp said 100. I reckon it was hotter than that in the full sun.
So I’m enjoying watching some recorded shows on my TV with my sweet wife and thinking that the words “Burn Notice” have a special meaning for me today!
I’ll knock out my admin duties and get ready for my Outreach Event at Azalea tomorrow.