I worked on editing and uploading my newest video to YouTube this morning. Ashley helped shoot me doing a presentation to the youth group at FBC Jonesboro . . . one of my favorite summer teams!
I was on dad gum FIRE, baby! Check it out and see for yourself.
Ashley rode with me today to go pick up some binders that my partners at the North American Mission Board had for me.
I appreciate their generosity!
While I was there, I got together with some of the Media and Ethnic experts at the board.
Always fun to hang out with guys with kindred spirits.
I totally messed up a pair of pants I have. It had a little ink stain on them. We tried to fix them and MAN, it just kept getting worse and worse!
So I officially retired them and got a few new pairs at the mall.
I liked these shoes!
On the way home, traffic was terrible! I car caught on fire and blocked all three lanes of the highway.
I kept praying to the Lord for patience. I needed it right NOW!
Home now to work on admin duties.
I decided to burn DVDs of my presentation last Wednesday to the supporters of our ministry. My current mailing list is 161 people. That’ll take awhile to burn!
I think it’s awesome that I can buy DVDs for about .05 and mail them for next to nothing. Sure beats the old days when I’d send out VHS tapes!
I liked this bumper sticker!
Wonder where these were going?
Where’s this from?