ACCCN! Steve! Global!
Filled up with gas before I met the teams.
Ashley and I had fun briefing our team from Atlanta Chinese Christian Church North this morning!
We talked about Islam and Hinduism. Then took them to Global Mall.
They got a flavor of Islam from visiting Al Madina.
We met a new friend today from Knoxville, TN: Steve Alford. He listened to our briefing then visited our two tour locations.
We had lunch at Al Madina then Ash and I took him around the International Village to give him a taste of what is to come. I always see something unusual at the Farmers Market.
I got him a new hat at CD Tower.
We also saw the four locations where his team will be serving.
Came home to rest and work on admin duties. I was pretty tired after running the 4.45 miles last night. It’s harder to run when it’s hot! But it sure is beautiful. Here are pictures from my run. I try to keep to the speed limit.
Some of these flowers are tiny.
What perfect lighting.
Nature overtaking man.
Summer time means Story Tim! Here’s one of my favorite stories from my first 50 years on the planet. Quess what visits me late one night!
“Story Tim