Whirlwind Missions

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Traffic! Grandgirls! Team Prep! Azalea! 3.15.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:44 pm  




Stressful trip to pick up Everly this morning. For some reason, the train tracks were blocked off on two of the major roads going North towards 85. Mr. Google really let me down on this one. Normally, it shows when things are blocked.

I finally made it about thirty minutes later than normal. Fortunately, Tuesday I try to get there extra early and everything turned out just fine.

Always great to see my girls!

At breakfast this morning, I showed Everly how we would ride our bikes when we’re on the trail and see people coming. I’m the triangle and she’s the circle. We see people, we slow down, I move ahead. We stay to the right and pass the people, I move back to the middle and call her on back up beside me. My Mom asked me if it was Everly doing the drawing!

I love her so much.

Me encanta esta palabra!

Everly did some chalk art for me. That’s Ashley and Penelope up top. Lake at the bottom.


I have a team coming this Saturday. I got out my new HD projector (the old on we used for nearly ten years!) with my Mac and connected everything up. Ran great! I wanted to make sure all the remotes worked properly and that I had everything I needed. I’ll take a couple of the tables with me on Saturday morning to set the equipment on.

Took the old washer to the curb. They’re finally supposed to pick it up tomorrow.

Got the other garbage cans out as well.

Everly and I stopped at the church on our way to Azalea. We checked the mail. Also went through my office and our storage closet to get all the things I’ll need for the presentation on Saturday. It always pays to start working on that stuff early, just in case I need to get something.

A lot of rain moved through our area today. None of it was especially heavy.

Took the girls over for Vietnamese food this afternoon. It’s definitely one of our favorites and good for us!

Everly had fun showing me her new Playdough ice cream machine.

Lisa is the manager of the restaurant. We’ve become good friends over the years. She always gives the girls lollypops.

Helped the kids with their homework. We all crammed in under the porch since it was raining.

The kids like to draw on the boards.


Picked up groceries on the way home.

Prepped and deposited checks.

We had about .5″ of rain today.

Released Verbal Surgery “Erased Stump.” this evening.

Let go of those old wounds!