Whirlwind Missions

Monday, March 21, 2022

Duolingo! Anthony! Podcast! Bike! 3.21.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:22 pm  

I spend a lot of daily effort studying Spanish. It is the second most studied language on Duolingo after English. There are over 34 million users of Duolingo in the world. I am currently in the highest level possible in Spanish. Every week there is a competition of people studying Spanish set up in groups of thirty. This is only the second time that I’ve finished this high out of the group. It’s kind of a big deal for me.

I preordered a book on Amazon this morning called “Plays Well With Others.” I’m on Eric Barker’s email list. His stuff is always interesting, funny and worth reading. I’m looking forward to reading this book.

I’ll also get a couple of bonuses because of my preorder and it helps Eric with his sales.

This is the second item I’ve preordered recently. The other is the DVD set of a documentary on Benjamin Franklin by Ken Burns which I’m expecting to be incredible.


I like the sound of “Electric Storm” or “tormenta electrica.”


Beautiful day!

Great chat with my buddy Anthony!

Also talked with my Mom. I was glad to have Jessi engage with us too!

I recorded a new podcast called, “Initial Finale.” Excellent!


I was talking to Anthony about how my Mom found another Maasai spear when she was cleaning out stuff. Can’t wait to get that!

I’m part of the Carbon Almanac project. I post ideas about how to reduce our carbon footprint on my social media feeds. Today I talked about making sure your tire pressure was set correctly. Had to do some research on that. Turns out pretty much all my tires were low, one of them really low. I just don’t check them. My old car had sensors to tell me when they were low. Pretty hard to just eyeball that.

I also pumped up my bike tires before I went for a ride this afternoon.

Rode 11.37 miles. I’m steadily pushing my mileage back up. I’ve been taking it really easy and not doing too much, too fast.

I liked the way these branches fell on the sidewalk. It looked Japanese to me for some reason.

With Spring finally here, I decided it was time to bring my carnivorous plants back in. I kept them outside during the Fall and Winter because they need to go through a dormant stage. I still brought them back inside when the temperature was close to freezing.