Whirlwind Missions

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

PE! Walk! Sprinkler! Mint Mobile! 7.25.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:43 pm  

I feel so sorry for teachers today.



My hill. Went up it 11 times today.

I had Penelope and Everly with me today.

They played with sticks and rocks while I walked up and down the hill.

They made salad.

And put my sticks out for me as I did laps.

Everly carried her big rock baby home. “Rocky.”

Walked 4.13 miles. They did about half that.

I got my home insurance transferred to Cincinnati Home Insurance. I’ll save about $1,000 over Nationwide and get about $100,000 more coverage!

Mande did a great job for me!

Sprinkler fun!

I got my car’s alternator replaced. Glad that’s fixed. About $450.

Took the girls to Hot and Cold.

I transferred my phone over to Mint Mobile from ATT. I’m still not getting a great signal. I’ll call their support line again tomorrow. Certainly not as good as this is saying!

Sweaty day.

Just got the girls to go to sleep. They got kind of sad when they saw their parents on FaceTime.

Strong competition this week.

Monday, July 24, 2023

#1! Jessi! PE! Doctor! Mercury! Laser Show! 7.24.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:49 pm  


Won the tournament and came in #1 the last three weeks. Yowza!

Magic words.

Jessi came with me to the mission today.


Waffle House art.

Keswick Park.

Talking about making shelters.

Tiny mushrooms.

Came by my office to water my ficus and check the mail.

Went to Roswell to got to Jessi’s audiologist. She’s doing great with her new hearing aid!

Deposited checks. Thank you, Jesus!

Girls enjoyed having time with K!

Walked 2.58 miles.

Took the girls to the Laser Show at Stone Mountain. My charging light came on. I met K at the mechanics so they could take a look at it first thing tomorrow.

I took them to the show in K’s truck after dropping her off at home.

Fun day!

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Español! Walk! Physical! 7.23.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:02 pm  


I agree.

I felt like I should have remembered this one.

Not so bad, but sweaty.


Sharing is caring.

This will be the first time I’ve every come first in the tournament for all three rounds. I should win this evening in the finals.


Walked 2.48 miles and studied.

I had the physical for my life insurance policy today. She had to stick me three times to get the blood sample. Even then it may not have been quite enough. I hope so! Blood pressure was great. Her scale was about twenty pounds higher than mine!

Watered my plants.

Saturday, July 22, 2023

Español! Walk! Yard Work! 7.22.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:33 pm  

Worked hard.



Lovely day.

Don Cheto in Spanish.

Walked 3.82 miles and studied. Went up my big hill ten times.

I saw this baby snake on my walk. Looked like a copperhead.

Saw this bird today. Not sure what it is yet. Perhaps a falcon.

I got Jessi and Kathy’s phones unlocked today.

Got my new weed whacker in service. It worked great. I’m no longer using my mower.

Picked up a LOT of branches.

I swapped back and forth between weed whacking, blowing and picking up sticks. Gave my back a chance to rest.

I cleaned out the water meter. It was almost completely full of soil.

Front looks good now.

My banana plants are thriving.

Always surprising how far I walk when I’m doing yard work.

Also blew off the back deck.

Rained about 1.5″ during the storms.

Beautiful sky while I pick up the groceries.

Picked up the groceries. Went inside the store because the app doesn’t show bananas. Talked to an inventory guy. He saw what I was talking about and was stunned. Apparently, bananas are the #1 seller at Walmart. He assured me he’d figure it out.

Lovely way to end the day.

Friday, July 21, 2023

Duolingo! Anthony! Power! Unlock! Fridge! 7.20-21.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 5:42 pm  

We lost power Thursday night. K and I slept at Days Inn. She needed the cool air and power for her CPAP. Thus the two day report!

This is an all time 7 day high for me in Duolingo. Extraordinary, really. I’m sure a lot of people don’t make that much in a year.

EVERYONE will be dealing with the impact of this. The storm we had blow through last night was scary. The wind was just whipping the trees around like they were nothing.

I’ve been doing a lot of cell phone carrier research. NOT satisfied with ATT. Keeps dropping my calls lately. Very frustrating. I think we’ll go with Mint mobile which uses the T Mobile network.


Had a fun chat with my buddy, Anthony on Thursday.

Walked 2.42 miles.

I was thirsty when I got back!

Looking into shopping around for home insurance.

Tim helped me set up my life insurance request. The group I was using nearly tripled what I was being charged. I’ll have to get a medical test this coming Sunday. Paramedic will come by to draw blood and take vitals. I plan on doing a complete physical in August with my regular doctor. Medicare should cover all of that.

Huge storm blew through our area around 6:00 PM.

Broke a tree limb which clobbered the power line.

Snapped off the top of our pole.

Friday they put in a new one that only has the power line on it.

This was blocking my driveway. That’s the second time this has happened!

I took out my garbage can and the firemen put some tape up to keep people from running over it.

We spent the night at Days Inn. It was better than sleeping on the porch! Plus K could actually breathe. That’s the main reason we went to the hotel really. She needed her CPAP machine.

This morning was cooler. But still super humid.

Walked 3.98 miles. Kind of fun to do a different route. A lot of it was on my bike route.

I saw this on my walk. Interesting bubbles.

I came back to the house early this morning to check on the work. It took them hours to plant the new pole and wire it up. We were out of power nearly a whole day.

I picked up all the external batteries I had and took them to the hotel to charge up.

Just keep going.

All our phones are paid off. In order to go with another carried I have to get them all unlocked. Went of the ATT store to talk to them about that. They said all of it had to be done on line. Weird how in person can’t do things now.

I got my phone and Ashley’s unlocked so far. I have to have the IMEI number of Jessi’s and Kathy’s phone before I can complete the project.

Went by Publix to pick up some medicine for J. Interesting shadow.

Came home to clear out the food that spoiled during the power outage. This stuff I thought was still ok.

Had to clean out the ice maker. It had thawed out and was a big mess.

The frozen stuff seemed ok.

Swept the house.

Talked with the ATT guy to verify that the first two phones were unlocked.

I was planning on doing some yard work this evening when it got cooler. More thunderstorms are blowing through. Hopefully, they don’t knock anything else over!

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

PE! Village Park! Walks! Podcast! 7.19.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:29 pm  


Nine more days of Pop Pop Summer School.


Early at the mission.


Cooler and cleaner air.

This intrigues me.

Walked 2.66 miles.

Love my girls!


The girls and I walked from Azalea to the Village Park.

Back home.

I worked on improvising a repair for a cabinet door at Ashley’s apartment. Seeps to work ok.

Taco Veloz.

Sprinkled while I was checking for mail at the church.

Listened to Don Cheto on the way home in Spanish.

Figured out the Georgia Power bill for the mission.

Recorded “Borrowed Time” at Stone Mountain for Verbal Surgery.

Talked with a neighbor who lives here.

Walked another 3.65 miles this evening while I studied.

Downloaded “Borrowed Time” onto my Mac.

Worked extra hard today. I don’t see Grandma catching up with that score. Plus whatever I do every day!

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

PE! Goodwill! Mall! Podcast! Walk! 7.18.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 5:20 pm  

Thanks for the smoke, Canada!


I noticed on the picture I took yesterday that you can actually see a couple of sunspots. Cool. Not literally.


The Sun this morning.


Walk and study. I went 2.67 miles in Chamblee.

Love my girls!


We went to the Perimeter Mall area today. Traffic was brutal because of the road work.

McD for breakfast.

Goodwill. They got three kits that they had a lot of fun with.

Back stand.

Pet Smart.

We saw this outside. Vicious poison ivy too!

We’ve seen this S. Africa flag sticker every time we go to the pet store. Today, I asked about who it is that drives that car. We had a nice chat with an Afrikaans lady from Cape Town. The ATL is great for stuff like that!

We went to many stores in the mall. I asked them to pick their favorite. They always picked the same thing. It became a running joke.

We like to wash our hands in the light up water sink.

Everly dropped a cup of ice. We spent some time drying the mess up. I didn’t want someone to slip.

They had a blast with their new stuff. I got everything for about ten dollars. Love Goodwill!

Listened to Don Cheto in Spanish.

Just kept getting hotter all day long.

Went to my office to check the mail and my tree.

Gassed up my car and checked the levels.

Went to Stone Mountain to record Verbal Surgery “Third Chance.” Very good.

Released Verbal Surgery -1024- “Keep the Bubble.”

Still looking at phone plans.

Just keep studying.

Kathy’s updated meds list.

Scrubbed my shoes and my hat.

I was shocked to see how worn out my shoes are getting but I’ve been putting a LOT of miles on them. Way more than before.

I checked Amazon to see if my shoes were available and they were on sale! Amen. Savings of about $25 dollars. I paid full price for the pair I’m wearing now.

I continue to push. I’ve been surprised by how hard Grandma is working. It hasn’t been her pattern to do that much work. But it’s only Tuesday! That score is pretty much normal for me.

Monday, July 17, 2023

Español! PE! Walk! Anthony! Nana! Village Park! 7.17.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:42 pm  

Came in #1 in the Duolingo leagues. Always makes me feel smart.

Sky was weird this morning. Bad air.


Cooler morning.

Walked 2.64 miles this morning in Chamblee.

Love my girls!


Called my health insurance agent. He’s helping us with life insurance now.

Girls working out. See how long they can hang. About twenty seconds!

At Village park with the same exercise.

Balance practice. This wheel spins. If they stay on opposite sides it stays still.

They were swinging with great force today!

I remember a time when they were too scared to go to this level. Now it’s “easy peasy.”

Had a good talk with my Mom while I was at the park with the girls.

Also a fun chat with my buddy Anthony. Always a good time.

Listened to Don Cheto in Spanish. I try to copy his accent when I’m speaking in Español.

Went to the bank to deposit checks.

Looking into different phone companies.

The device that raises and lowers the vacuum cleaner broke. Got a new one in today from Amazon for $14. Installed it. Works great. Amen.

Did another walk this evening while I studied. Went up and down this big hill three times. 2.43 miles in my neighborhood.

Lingo Grandma edged me out this evening. I just like to stay pretty close. Usually, they just can’t keep up with the constant pressure.

Sunday, July 16, 2023

Walk! Bike! Español! 7.16.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:05 pm  

I’m systematically going through all my bills to see if I can get a better deal on things. Life insurance just jumped up by over $300 a month. Ouch.



My study place.

Nice morning. Not so hot nor sweaty.


Went for a walk while I studied. These three little sticks represent going up an down a steep hill three times. 2.41 miles in total for my walk.

My safety glasses got scratched up. Ordered another pair. I used my sunglasses for most of my ride. So bright!

One of my water bottles spilled. Dried out the car as best I could and put the mat out to drain and dry.

I look up words as I’m riding.

Biked for 15.49 miles. It was a hard ride for the last half hour. Hot.

The phone service is another thing we are thinking about changing.

Got the groceries and put them up in the kitchen. Still had to go inside to get bananas. Not sure what’s going on with not offering bananas on the app.

I may end up in first place this week. Depends on how gung ho Sarah decides to be this evening.

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Walk! Yard Work! Replanting! 7.15.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:35 pm  

Solid week of work.


I started my “new” OYB ten years ago today! Wow. How time flies. I still have my old one and read entries from days 35 years ago. Although, I didn’t write something down unless it was unusual. For about the last 20 years I’ve written something every day.


I got so sweaty walking up and down this hill ten times.

I’m wearing a sweatband. It really helps.

Reading sentences to perfect pronunciation and embed the language in my head.

I put a stick down every time I went up the hill. Takes me about four minutes every circuit.

Walked 3.73 miles in all.

Massive military chopper went overhead.

Worked on yard stuff today.

Redid my hummingbird feeders. I need to do them every week when the weather is so hot. The solution starts to ferment. I have four feeders.

Redid the birdbaths. I have four of those as well.

Cleaned my outdoor carpet.

Cleaned my St. Francis shrine.

Trimmed some bushes and small trees.

Repotted all my fasciata plants and some small cacti.

Wasn’t too hard but hot and something kept stinging me. Still not sure what it was. I felt like I was back in the Amazon where I’d get stung but never could discover what was doing it.

Lots of little red bumps.

Listened to Don Cheto.

Set up one of my insurance cards.

I’ve had an issue with the Walmart app where I can’t order bananas. Talked to their customer support this evening. He wasn’t sure what was going on either.

I usually study Español about fifteen minutes every evening.

I expect Sarah to come on strong tomorrow. Never know. I came in first place last week when Mari gave up. Doesn’t really matter. Just having fun!

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