Whirlwind Missions

Friday, July 14, 2023

Grandgirls! Housework! Jessi Can Hear! 7.14.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:08 pm  



Walking and studying. 2.83 miles.

Girls spent the night.

Class this morning.

Vacuumed the house. Ordered a replacement part that raises the height of the vacuum. Scrubbed some spots.

Jessi, Kathy and the grandgirls went to the ear doctor for the final checkup and the activation of the hearing aid. J was so happy!

I watched the girls while we waited for the doctor. Over an hour!

Amazing technology!

Dropped the girls off at the mission with their Dad.

Stopped by Subway to get J something to eat. This was her old order. She decided to get it again.


I reckon I’ll come in #2 this week. Sarah can really rack up some major points in one day!

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Grandgirls! Doggie Park! Sprinklers! 7.13.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:25 pm  

Kathy, Jessi and I celebrated my 65th birthday with Italian food last night. Excellent!


Even the morning was pretty warm.

Got to the mission early.


Beautiful morning.

Walked 2.69 miles.



Bug day! Rhino beetle.

Stag beetle.

Sent a script to a friend of mine who wants to start work at an apartment complex. I told him we couldn’t help him. I have my hands full and finances are always tight.

Even though it was hot, we went to the Doggie Park for a while. The girls easily do everything at this park now. They have really advanced!

Sprinkler fun at my house.

Gray bucket!

Slippery tarp!

We got cleaned up and dried off then had some ice cream cake. Yum.

Rested, then got some pizza.

Played some video games together. Penelope really enjoyed that.

Just keep going. Hard competition in these final stages of the tournament. There’s usually at least one person as gung ho as I am!

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Birthday Boy! PE! Museum of Illusions! Cake! 7.12.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 5:42 pm  



Beautiful clouds this morning.

Full Sun Moon!


Just keep walking/learning. 2.64 miles.

Love my girls!

Cicada changes.


Waffle House.

For my birthday present we went to Atlantic Station to see the Museum of Illusions. Supa coo!

It was a lot of fun and very interesting visually.

Went to my office to check the mail.

Got the ice cream cake for my party. Enjoyed my time with the girls.

Little one was so tired at the end.

Listened to Spanish podcast on the way home.

Gassed up my car and checked the fluids.

Deposited checks. Thank you, Lord.

Fun day!

Supper with K at our favorite Italian place this evening.

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Grandgirls! Monkey Bar Park! Taco Veloz/LT! Pool! 7.11.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 4:49 pm  


Beautiful morning. Nice and cool.


Walked 2.66 miles.

Everly was excited to get her pickle dinosaur plushie.

Love my girls!


Monkey Bar park!

Taco Veloz!

LT for sopapilla a la mode.

Rest time at the house for a couple of hours then off to the Doraville Pool! I love that pool because we have the whole place to ourselves except for about ten other people.

It was pretty warm!

Listened to Don Cheto on the way home.

Keep pushing!

Walked another 2.81 miles this evening.

Five times up and down the steepest hill in my route. I put a little stick out to help me keep count.

Our laundry room has been getting unbelievably hot when we dry clothes. I suddenly got a picture in my head of the hose. One of those prophesy things, I reckon. Sure enough, when I checked on it it had come completely loose. I put it all together again.

Blowing out full force now.

Monday, July 10, 2023

Español! Grandgirls! Bank! Podcast! 7.10.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:05 pm  

Came in #1 this week. That was quite a challenge.

Just posted a birthday greeting with a way to donate on Facebook with Venmo! May the Father bless this request!


Rained all morning. No walk for me. Studied Spanish in my car.



Always learning.

Deposited checks. Thank you, Lord.

Don Cheto in Spanish.

Cleared off.

Miles got home early so I came on home.

Tried to take the financial report to our treasurer’s house, but he wasn’t there. I’ll have lunch with him on the 27th and give it to him then.

Paid bills.

Got Jessi a new case for her Pixel phone.

Looks like my new insurance is going to cover $2,000 of the $2,551 bill for my tooth implant. That’s a blessing.

Recorded an episode of Verbal Surgery called “Keep the Bubble.” Then walked 1.13 miles while I studied Spanish.

Starting off another week strong.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Getting Ahead.”

Sunday, July 9, 2023

Español! Walk! Bike! Groceries! 7.9.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:16 pm  

Walked 2.77 miles and studied this morning.

Up and down the big hill five times. I did it fourteen times yesterday!

Not sure why there are so many cars parked in front of this house. Eight this morning! Plus three in the driveway.


Ordered groceries

Lovely this morning. Cloudy, breezy and pretty cool.


Listened to Don Cheto in Spanish.

Prepped my bike. And me.

Rode 15.41 miles. The last thirty minutes were pretty hot. Rest was nice!

These are all (I think!) of the 25 plushies that Everly ordered on Ashley’s phone.

Ann dropped off the external battery I let her use yesterday.

Picked up my groceries for the week. I got a return on the plantains I ordered. I was trying to get bananas. The app said they didn’t have any! I went into the store after they loaded my car with my groceries. They had a mountain of them! Picked up a nice bunch.

I had a super good effort this week, mainly because of the tough competition I had with Mari. I still expect to wake up tomorrow and she will have won. I just checked the scoreboard and she’s only 500 away from me now. Funny. No big deal for me. As I’ve said many times, the only goal I have is to be in the top three. My score this week normally would have crushed the competition.

Saturday, July 8, 2023

Español! Walk! Bike! Walk! 7.8.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:22 pm  




Just keep walking. And studying! Got started early to enjoy the cool air and make the bike ride way more enjoyable.

Walked 4.02 miles. I did my hard hill eleven times. That would be equal to climbing up Stone Mountain.

Got home and immediately got my helmet on and went to ride my bike. Did 13.08 miles.

Everly used Ashley’s phone to order TEN of the dinosaur plushies. She had no idea what she was doing. Nor how much they cost. She racked up $250! Of course Ashley will be able to get her money back without much hassle.

Did more studying after I cooled off. K and I went to eat at Hot N Cold. Really good.

Listened to Don Cheto en Español.

Went for another walk this evening.

I listened to this mockingbird hassle the sharp shinned hawk this morning and this evening.

Walked another 2.42 miles.

I use these sticks to mark how many times I go up the hill. I total of fourteen times today.

I exercised for 3:40 today. That’s a lot when you consider the research says you need about 2:30 hours in the whole week.

Still pushing myself to get in shape for the Guatemala trip. Many days I don’t see myself being able to go up that massive volcano. It’s about a 4.5 hour hike that goes up about 6,000 ft to a hight of 13,000 ft.

Friday, July 7, 2023

Vegetarian! PE! Walk! Doctor! Español! 7.7.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:17 pm  


Always learning.


Everly went on a walk with me.

She made a face with a smile and hair.

I found an owl feather. Super cool.

Walked 2.41 miles.


We went to see Jessi’s psychiatrist today. She was very helpful.

The girls had fun at the doctor’s office. Cool stuff to play with.

Sent a message to my friend Miguel about his Mom.

Always glad to help people.


Lots of thunderstorms in our area.

Headed out for a bike ride, but got sprinkled on and quit. I think most of the storms would’ve missed me but too close to call.

Had a good talk with a buddy of mine. A mutual friend of ours is having trouble.

Just keep going.

Thursday, July 6, 2023

Grandgirls! Sky Hike! Rocks! Walk! Español! 7.6.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:52 pm  




Full Sun Moon.

Lovely lighting this morning for my walk.

Sweaty walk. 2.72 miles.

Love my girls!


Left a message for Nana.

Waffle House with K.

Kept getting hotter!

Sky Hike! Today they went to the Second Level! Pretty scary!

Rock Wall!

Climbing boulders!

Got too uncomfortable to hang out at the park after about 1:30 PM. Went on home to chill out.

Gassed up Mercury and added some oil.

Set up the insurance for the mission.

Watched highlights from Stage 6 of the Tour de France.

Studied Español and went for another walk. Too wet for biking around a lot of the corners.

I walked up and down the steepest hill of my walk five times in 21 minutes.

Total walk was 2.79 miles.

Keep pushing. Definitely will be in the top 3. That’s always my goal. Probably #2.

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Grandgirls! Goodwill! Storm! Walks! Español! 7.5.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:38 pm  

Dali is one of my favorites!

That’s not zesty.

My workouts in June.

My reason for pushing myself.


Made it to the mission a little earlier than usual.


Beautiful morning.

Walked 2.64 miles before I picked up the girls.

Air was pretty bad. We stayed inside today. Goodwill and Perimeter Mall.

Love my girls! Ash got pretty sunburned yesterday at the lake.


Working out at Goodwill.

They had an inversion table. I let them try it out.

Massive storm blew through.

The girls played “bus the stuffies.”

Miles got home early and I came on back to Stone Mountain.

Stopped by my dentist to tell them about my new medicare/Aetna insurance. Office was closed so I sent them an email with a picture of my new card.

Always learning.

Went by my office and processed checks. Then stopped at the bank to deposit them. Thank you, Jesus.

Went for another walk when I got home. There is one really big hill on my route. I went up/down it seven times.

I was drenched with sweat when I got home.

Got a call from my friend Tabias. He gave me the news that Casey Cruz had died. Sad. I’ll call her son Miguel tomorrow. She was a big part of the community at Azalea for over 20 years.

Pushed to #1 today. Doubt Mari saw that coming. I still expect to come in #2 or #3 this week. The others are very strong. Mary has come in the top 3 over 100 times! I’ve been top three 64 times. Which is still saying something. Duolingo is the world’s largest community of language learners.

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