Whirlwind Missions

Sunday, March 5, 2023

Bank! Taxes! Bike! 3.5.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:11 pm  

I enjoyed these articles on Einstein and O’Gieblyn.

Another gorgeous weather day.



Walked 1.44 miles while I was studying. Had two pit bulls interact with me. They got out from some guy’s yard. He was really mean to them. No wonder they wanted to escape. They were friendly enough with me, but I didn’t trust them.

Looking forward to my Mom coming to visit next month. We’ve had to put her trip off for health reasons. Glad we’re all feeling well again!

Had a nice chat with my buddy Anthony. Always good.

Went to the Post Office to get my taxes in the mail. It really is amazing what can be done on the self-help machine. I used to get really up tight about mailing these documents. What if they got lost? Last year, I started taking a picture of every page on my iPhone so if worse comes to worst, I just print them up again. Took the pressure off for sure.

Deposited checks. Another automated job that used to take an interaction with people.

Put the sheets on K’s bed for her.

Rode my bike 7.88 miles. I’m still taking it easy and letting my legs get back in shape. Biking is way different from walking

Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called, “Split Personalities.” Excellent.

Looks like I’ll be coming in #1 again this week. Not surprised.

I’ve been in the Top Three nearly fifty times. Now that is surprising. I remember seeing other people with that score and just being in awe.

I’ve been enjoying playing Borderlands 3. It’s a fun game.

Saturday, March 4, 2023

Español! Bike! 3.4.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:53 pm  




Walked 1.35 miles while I studied.

I call this “Nakuru Weather.” Glorious.

Watered my plants.

The weather got me psyched up for taking my first bike ride of the season! This has been an unusual year for me because I walked pretty much every day during the winter. Glad for that.

Spent some time prepping my bike after the long lay off. Lubiricated all the moving parts.

Pumped up the tires.

Wiped the entire bike down with a lightly oiled rag. I put some terry cloth rags on my handles. I prefer that since my hands get sweaty. I’ve had this bike around twenty five years!

Got dressed out.

Rode 8.03 miles.

It really was so much fun. And beautiful!

Decided not to try and jump these logs blocking the sidewalk.

Moon flowers.

Great day!

I’ll be #1 again this week. No one’s going to make up over 5,000 points. And I’ll keep going tomorrow!

Friday, March 3, 2023

ENT! Taxes! Homestead Exemption! Podcast! 3.3.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:08 pm  

I got some things clarified about a 1099 form we received. Turned out to be ongoing education that Kathy is doing.

I’ll be talking to my health insurance guy on Tuesday to get the Medicare stuff started for me since I turn 65 in July.


Cooler and drizzly.


Had a chat with my brother in law Bill about his web site and web name domain.

We had a good meeting with Jessi’s ENT Doctor Hoddeson. J’s really breathing great now!

J also had an auditory test to verify that her auditory nerve is functioning properly. We will set up an appointment soon to talk with another doctor to see what can be done to help her hearing situation.

Powerful thunderstorms narrowly missed us. Sure am glad I had those trees trimmed. Those big dead limbs were a disaster waiting to happen.

Studied Spanish and did a 1.27 mile walk.

Paid bills.

Did my taxes. PTL! That’s always a relief. I’ll get that in the mail on Monday.

Ordered more checks.

Made the application for the Homestead Exemption. Another big job!

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery called,
“What I Am.”

Thursday, March 2, 2023

Drizzle! Nana! Azalea! Penelope’s Toe! 3.2.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:07 pm  

Jessi is helping my brother-in-law with his website hosting.

Enjoying Mountains Between Mountains.



Drizzly, mild weather.

Great talk with my Mom. I’ve missed connecting with her the last couple of times I’ve tried.

Talked to Bill about his website and got his check to Whirlwind Missions.

While I was talking to my Mom, I also got some random vines out of my azalea bushes. Hard to believe how much little stuff like that can bother me.

I ate lunch with K today. While I was in the parking lot, I saw these two large military aircraft fly over in formation.

Got a good note from a supporter. Always great to see that!

Helped the kids at the mission. Rainy day. We were under the overhang of the apartment.

Poor sweet Penelope has a horribly infected ingrown toenail. We managed to pop it and get some of the puss out, but it still looks very painful. Pray for her.

K helped me at the mission today. She worked with the grandgirls.

We went by to check on the mail at the office.

Just keep learning.

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Anthony! Trees! Roof/Gutters! 3.1.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:23 pm  

I hope this works out ok for Nigeria.

I talked with my buddy Anthony about Burning Man and how I didn’t want to go there any more. I much prefer a trip to Guatemala.

Africa is really big.

I’m enjoying the book about Paul Farmer.



Fun chat with Anthony. He’s been in Indonesia for the last two weeks with his family.


My tree guys came over today to trim some branches.

Walked 1.49 miles while I studied Spanish.

Then blew the room and cleaned the gutters. The gutters were really hard because it has been raining off and on for weeks and I haven’t been able to get them cleared out.

Blew deck.

And driveway.

Also cleaned up the back yard.

Walked 2.52 miles in all.


I didn’t go to Azalea today because I wanted to be there when they were working on my trees. I only got about an hour notice before they came over. Very surprising.
Keep pushing.

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Tito! Grandgirls! Azalea! 2.28.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:11 pm  

I was woken up this morning by a loud tapping on my window. It was one of my favorite birds, the Pileated Woodpecker. A real beauty! As big as a crow!

Fantastic weather.



Walked 1.41 miles today.

I spent time talking to my dentist’s office. They told me that it wasn’t a problem to wait until July when Medicare kicks in. That will reduce the price of my implants drastically.

Big limb fell in my yard.

I will very likely keep my carnivorous plants outside this year. At least I’m thinking I might. Normally, the outside situation is just too rough on plants.

Scrubbed my shoes and my hat this morning.

Got the newsletters in the mail.

My brother Tito Ruiz was in the area today. We got to hang out for a while. What a blessing!

He waited for the grandgirls to arrive. Hard to believe that Ashley was Penelope’s age when we first started working together!

Little sweetheart!

Helped the kids at the mission with their homework.

Beautiful sunset!

Went by my office to check the mail.

Lovely evening.

Every week on Duolingo, we have a partner to work on a particular “quest.” We usually finish it in a day.

Push every day. Learn more. Get better. I talked to Tito a lot about learning from his bilingual sermons.

Monday, February 27, 2023

Español! Bennett! Letters! Azalea! 2.27.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:48 pm  

I always enjoy Eric Barker’s newsletters.

Did well last week. Studied hard.

Every morning as I wake up I record as much as I can remember about my dreams. It’s a fun exercise.

I’m enjoying reading Mountains Between Mountains.



Walked 1.25 miles while I studied.

Ordered groceries.

Called my dentist’s office today. I was expecting my insurance to cover my implant. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. I was thinking I’d pay at most $1,500 for the procedure. Now I understand it’s closer to double that! Ouch. Now I’m seeing if I can put it off until I get on Medicare when I hit 65 in July. I can get insurance that WILL cover it. We’ll see what the doctor says.

Went to the Post Office to get stamps for the newsletters.

Listened to radio from Madrid.

Little bit of drizzle and VERY windy.

I had a good lunch with my buddy, Bennett today. We go back a long ways in ministry together!

Worked on newsletters.

Picked up the grandgirls from the bus.

Helped the kids with their homework. The wind kept blowing everything away.

One of my neighbors let me know I’m probably able to get some howeowner’s discounts from the government taxes.

Talked to my insurance guy about the situation with the implants. He advised me to see if they could hold off until my birthday and have it covered by Medicare.


Picked up groceries.

Push myself.

Sunday, February 26, 2023

Azalea Party! Bank! 2.26.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:03 pm  

I’ve been reading Mountains Beyond Mountains. It’s a really great book. One of my best friends and mentors is Fred Sorrells. He’s had a lot of experience in Haiti. I think of him a lot as I read this book. He knew all about the hero of the book Paul Farmer. I sent Fred some info about where Farmer’s hospital was located. He knew all about it.

We have an air frier. Ours wasn’t this brand.

Can’t wait for this!



Walked 1.35 miles while I studied.

We had a fun party at Azalea today. We even had a food truck! I made balloon animals which was a big hit.

I saw several of my kids from the old days that are now all grown up. Such fun!

Listened to radio from Madrid.

Went by my office to check the mail.

Processed checks and deposited them at the bank.

Looks like I’ll probably come in #1 this week.

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Español! Labels! Donor List S/G! 2.25.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:03 pm  

I seem to be feeling better, although my ear is still stopped up. Last night it seemed to clear for a while.

Looking forward to this movie!



Walked 1.25 miles while I studied.

K and I had a nice lunch together.

We discussed Nutella. Pretty much goes along with my theory that everything that tastes really good is definitely bad for you.

Spent hours working on labels for the newsletter. Got the newsletter printed out and ready to take to the the church to print tomorrow while I’m in Chamblee for the Outreach Event at Azalea.

Also printed the “Stay on the Team” page for those people who haven’t donated at all last year. Turns out to be fourteen. There are definitely people who when they receive that page decide to go ahead and donate. Those that don’t probably never would. Better to save the postage.

I edited the mailing list to show the changes. As I mentioned, there are usually a handful that reply that they want to stay on the list. They have to send that page back which means they have to invest in a stamp. March is usually my S/G or “Sheep or Goat” month. It follows the Tax Donation Letters that I send with the February newsletters.

Language learning takes work and steadfast effort.

Friday, February 24, 2023

Español! Podcast! Newsletter! 2.24.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:16 pm  

I’m not surprised by this!

I found out some information on a friend of my from Junior High from Nairobi International School. Got in touch with her today. She’s living in Oregon now. Cool to be able to find old friends. She sent me a picture of her horse riding. She looked like this when we were friends.

Did some more study on slope/line intercept last night. I did a pretty good job of explaining it to them yesterday.

I finished the book River of Doubt last night. Man, was it ever good! What an adventure.



Walked 1.26 miles while I studied. I take a 30 minute timed test after I finish a series of five lessons. I’ve figured out how far I can walk in that time.

I get my implant tooth in next week. I still don’t know exactly how much it will cost. I’m kind of uptight about it.

Mild with some drizzles today.

Kathy got her new sunglasses in today. I let them know we got it. They sent another pair which we never received!

I wrote my newsletter this morning. I’m still using my talk to text method, even though my right hand is completely healed up.

I had forgotten what this word meant.

Listened to radio from France.

Gassed up and checked the fluids in my car.

Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery this afternoon called “Just Up There.”

Released “Lead From The Front.” One of my best efforts!

Produced my newsletter.

Once a year, I go through our donation reports. If someone on the donor list did not donate, they get this in the mail along with the newsletter. If they don’t at least send the paper back saying they want to stay on the list, they drop. Saves money, and they probably don’t care to get it anyway.

Just. Keep. Going.

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