Whirlwind Missions

Friday, August 18, 2023

Walk! Bike! Español! Podcast! 8.18.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:30 pm  




Kathy has taken over the couch on the front porch, so I’ve relocated to the back porch, which is also beautiful.

Walked up and down my hill (which is steep!) twenty times this morning. Total of 3.68 miles.

Delightful outside.

Had a good lunch at El Torerros. Later slept for over an hour.

Prepped my bike. That includes checking the air pressure in the tires and giving the frame a wipe down with WD40.

Listened to music and Don Cheto while I rode. I almost started too late. It was nice and cool, but got too close to dark for my liking.

Total of 14.62 miles. Not sure why sometimes the same route comes up as slightly over 15. Bizarre.

Released Verbal Surgery “Billion Dollar Baby.” this evening. Excellence.

I figured she’d fade. Happens a lot on the weekend. It’s all about consistent effort.