Whirlwind Missions

Friday, July 26, 2024

Foundation Church! Plaza Fiesta! CD Tower! Azalea! 7.26.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:53 pm  




My girls!

After I set up for the team this morning, I got the glue gun out to repair the frame for one of my pictures. I almost always burn myself. I continued that today. Man, those things get hot, but they really can fix a lot of stuff.

I liked Penelope’s prayer for us.

After our Dedication Day at the church, we went on Safari to Plaza Fiesta. I took pictures of all the animals we saw at Laredo Western Wear.

I got word on the approval of our insurance for the mission. I’ll take care of that tomorrow. They’ve already sent the Certificate of Insurance to the apartment manager.

We had a great time together. I took them to Taco Veloz for lunch.

Then to Plaza Fiesta!

I took them to the mission at Azalea and then went to back to the church to strike the set and help get the room ready for the school supply distribution that one of my partners does.

The kids enjoyed the team’s skit.

And limbo!