Whirlwind Missions

Monday, February 3, 2025

Duolingo! Shoes! Ash! E! Azalea! 2.3.25

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:34 pm  

Could be longer . . .

I came in #2 last week. Pauline added more points in the last thirty minutes. Well played.

Beautiful. What I call “Nakuru weather.”


Hiked 1.64 miles.

Called Tim Deter. He walked me through setting up the application for Kathy for Medicare.

I also worked on K’s CPAP machine this evening. Cleaned one filter and changed the other.

Cleaned my shoes.

Had a good talk with my Mom.

Went to my office and picked up/processed checks. I’ll deposit them tomorrow.

Great to seem my girls! Miles came home today from the hospital today. We are happy about that!

Helped the kids at the Mission.

I liked this.

Been in contact with a potential volunteer from FBA.

Added a little water to the pink magnolia at Azalea.

Contacted Waste Pro about hauling off an old mattress.

I’ve been taking extra care with this caladium.

Sewed up a substantial tear in the fabric of my comforter.

Watered my plants.

Keep going.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Walk! Tarp! Game! Duo! 2.2.25

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:13 pm  

I have a friend in California that is really going through a hard time. I thought this was good advice.

I’m interested in Darwin. J and I went to see his house in the country in England.

This is going to be an economic disaster.



Walked 1.5 miles.

I have a work out bench that I’ll be storing in my back yard. I ordered a tarp to wrap it up.

K and I ate Chinese food today. I liked the art.

I’m enjoying playing Spiderman 2. There’s a lot to learn.

I tried to hook up my Parrot Mini drone. It wasn’t connecting properly to the controller. The batteries being old may also have impacted performance.

I figure that Pauline will make a last ditch push and get #1 this week. We’ll see if I’m right. No big deal for me.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Anthony! Yard Work! Groceries! Trees! 2.1.25

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:09 pm  


Hiked 1.08 miles.

Good talk with my buddy, Anthony.


Blew the driveway and deck. Hundreds of gumballs

I’ve been working on giving this plant some love. It was severely under-watered with not much light. I cut all the dead growth back and have been watering it thoroughly. The soil just drains the water straIght out. Then swept up the mess from the trimming.

The mileage rate went up .03 per mile. It’s now .70/mile.

I’ve found compressed air to be a useful cleaning tool.

The weather has been fantastic lately. 60s.

Picked up my groceries that I ordered yesterday.

The light on the trees was beautiful this evening.

Keep going.

Friday, January 31, 2025

Walk! Mileage! Podcast! 1.31.25

Tim A. Cummins @ 5:23 pm  

Sent an email to my health insurance agent to help me set up the Medicare account for Kathy.

Did some social media research on my buddy Danou.

The changes I made on my AAA account went into effect.


Mild and rainy day.


Walked 1.4 miles.

Got a call from a film logistics person. We offer the space for parking regularly. I forwarded the text on to the Pastor and the facilities manager.



Recorded a new podcast called “Elixir of Life.”

Ordered groceries.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Walk! PE! Azalea! Plants! 1.30.25

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:28 pm  

I followed up with Landon about his team this morning. I looked his church up on the web and left him a message with the church secretary.


My credit card is new. AAA alerted me that I needed to update the payment method. I tried to do it on line and it wouldn’t let me enter any new numbers: just call a customer service center instead. So I did. Got it set up and took J off of that policy.



Working on getting the tax documents together.

Walked 1.79 miles. That’s 16 hills.

Unbelievable how nice it was this afternoon. Nakuru weather.

Good talk with my Mom.

Alerted the church secretary of a dripping faucet situation.

Checked the mail at my office.

Picked up the grandgirls and took them to the park for a picnic.

Helped the kids at the mission with their homework.

They have fun drawing with the dry erase markers.

Don Cheto. I was really getting a lot of it today.

Watered my upstairs plants.

Keep going. It’s a way of life.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Dentist! Gas! PEK! Azalea! 1.29.25

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:11 pm  

Year of the Snake.

I’m helping a new friend in Namibia. I’m getting him some essential equipment for shooting in the field on a phone.

I wrote him this email. It has some of my background in it.



I’m learning a few Afrikaans words. Danou ven Rensberg who is my friend in Namibia speaks Afrikaans as well as the local dialect.

Went to the dentist today. I got a good bill of health. Had one “tiny cavity” that we could take care of six months from now.

Gassed up my car and checked the fluids.

Called one of Jessi’s doctors to cancel an upcoming appointment.

Kathy was having an issue with enabling MMS on her iPhone. I figured it out from an article on the web.

K and I picked up the grandgirls and took them to the Downwind Restaurant at the PDK airport.

Went by my office to check the mail.

Pretty good repair job.

The grandgirls had a great time with their little store at Azalea. I brought out some drinks to give it a party atmosphere. Everly said, “Everything is free for 8 and under.” How politically correct.

Helped three of my fifth graders with homework.

Don’t stop. Won’t stop.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Walk! Grandgirls! Mustak! Azalea! 1.28.25

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:22 pm  

I haven’t seen this big line up. I think you have to be in a pretty open area.



I put my carnivorous plants back outside for their dormancy period. I bring them in when it could freeze.


What a scam.

Hiked 1.13 miles up and down my hill.

Went by my office to check the mail.

Worked with Penelope on her six times tables.

Everly had to make a 100 item poster.

I went with Ashley to Northside hospital. Miles hasn’t been feeling well. He’s at the hospital being looked after. I’m glad he’s in good hands.

Helped the kids at the mission.

The girls made an ice cream store.

My buddy Mustak came by to visit with me this evening. We’ve known each other about twenty years.

Champion Jason.

Called Fred Wilson about a missing check. Mail in this city is SO bad.

I’ve been shooting these trees at sunset for nearly thirty years.

Good talk with my Mom on the way home.

Just keep going.

Monday, January 27, 2025

Duolingo! Anthony! Azalea! 1.27.25

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:30 pm  

We will see how all this anti-immigrant rhetoric turns out. Not well is my guess.

This Deep Seek AI model is a big deal. WAY less expensive/labor intensive/power hog.

Teacher talking about the difference in school work before/after COVID.

Came in #4 in the Duolingo leagues last week.

Didn’t drop below freezing last night. First time in over a week.

I was glad the Chiefs won. It’s been a long time since I had a favorite football team.

Sorry to hear that Joyce Barrington had passed away. Glad I went to see her when I did.



Called my dentist office about my appointment on Wednesday.

Fun talk with my buddy, Anthony.

I was glad that the hard freezing weather didn’t affect the monkey grass I planted. It’s liking the moist soil.

Ashley picked up the grandgirls. I helped the kids with their homework early.

Checked the mail at my office.

I love the effect of oil on water.

Good talk with my Mom on the way home, although cell signal kept dropping out.

Sunday, January 26, 2025

WX! Español! Plants! 1.26.25

Tim A. Cummins @ 3:30 pm  

Step into the unknown!

It still astonishes me that we don’t see or hear the same things inside our heads.

Love this.

I enjoyed reading about Hildgard of Bingen.

Teeth cleaning this Wednesday.

I’m playing Spiderman 2 now. I still need to learn all the buttons and what they do in combination.

I like the sound of this. “I’m not old, I’m ripe.” Just right. Maybe I’m like a mango.




Walked for 15 minutes. About half a mile. Went up my hill four times. My Runkeeper app didn’t work properly.

Took K out for Indian food at Masala. Tried to explain how the internet, cell towers and wifi work. Not sure I was successful.

Watered the plants in my green room, except for the succulents.

I’ll come in #4 in the leagues this week. Smart competition!

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Home Depot! Walk! Podcast! Shower! 1.25.25

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:38 pm  

I was NOT impressed with the iPhone 18 email system. I was glad to just go back to one chronological list. All that sorting stuff was just a lot more work to decipher.

I went over 2,500,000 points today. Hard to count how many hours that represents.

Notified that one of the handle bars for the shower project was in.

Still really cold at night.



Walked up and down my hill and in my driveway. Best to start off slow. It’s very steep. .5 miles.

Picked up the handle at Home Depot. Also got a tube and gun for caulk. The one I used last time was terrible.

Went to Dollar Tree to get some cleaning supplies and gloves for doing the silicon caulk project in my hall shower.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Wear Wolf.”

I parked next to a Home Depot van. There was still some ice next to it. I liked how the ice patterns remind me of cloud formations.

I’m supporting a new friend in Namibia. I’m trying to help him with shooting video.

Redid the caulk in the hall bathroom. It was still leaking a tiny bit. Trying to stop a leak is one of the hardest tasks in construction.

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