WX! Español! Plants! 1.26.25
Step into the unknown!
It still astonishes me that we don’t see or hear the same things inside our heads.
Love this.
I enjoyed reading about Hildgard of Bingen.
Teeth cleaning this Wednesday.
I’m playing Spiderman 2 now. I still need to learn all the buttons and what they do in combination.
I like the sound of this. “I’m not old, I’m ripe.” Just right. Maybe I’m like a mango.
Walked for 15 minutes. About half a mile. Went up my hill four times. My Runkeeper app didn’t work properly.
Took K out for Indian food at Masala. Tried to explain how the internet, cell towers and wifi work. Not sure I was successful.
Watered the plants in my green room, except for the succulents.
I’ll come in #4 in the leagues this week. Smart competition!