San Marcos 10.10.23
I pretty much spent all day on the campus here. I woke up and studied for a while. Then made mesome scrambled eggs and ate a couple of apples. Also made some coffee for the first time since I’ve been here. That was really good.
Enjoyed chats with with Kathy, and Anthony, and the grand girls. Made me feel better. I was feeling pretty low today. I think that’s one reason why I just stayed around the house. I didn’t really have anywhere I wanted to go. I pretty much have done everything twice that I wanted to see.
I enjoyed watching YouTube videos and just taking it easy.
I was pretty hungry this evening. Decided to go by Buho and get some pad Thai. That was one of my first meals when I got here and it was absolutely delicious.
On my way down there I saw my friend who I’ve been talking to pretty much every day. He’s been good about giving me information at what’s been going on in the government with the roads. I told him that I had had, a lead about going into Guatemala city last night, but it fell through. He told mehe had a way to get me to the airport. I was intrigued to say the least. He told me I would have to be in Panajachel at 8 PM tomorrow night and they would drive during the evening midnight hours get into the airport around one or 2 o’clock in the morning. He said his driver had done the same trip four times and had not had any problem. He assured me that it was safe.
I’ll pay him about $60 for that trip to the airport. I’ve already paid $45 with another group. I had set those tickets up before I even left the states. I figured it was worth it just to go ahead and get to the airport.
This morning, one of my jobs was to call and explain to them the situation. I got my tickets changed to Saturday. There was no charge for that because they said it was a public safety issue.
When I get to the airport tomorrow night one of my first jobs will be to get back on that chat with and see if I can swap my tickets back to my original, which was for Thursday at 1:10 PM. If I can do that then I’ll just stay at the airport for that 10 or 12 hours until the flight. That’s better than trying to find a place and stay there and then come back to the airport.
If I can’t get a flight out until Friday or Saturday, then I’ll go to a hostel I’ve researched and stay there for that couple of days. I think that I will be able to get on that flight tomorrow though I don’t see it being completely sold out. Surely they’ll at least one spot for me. But if I have to stay another day or so, at least I’ll be close to the airport and know that I’ll be able to get there.
After I talk to my friend Estefan, I went on and got pad Thai from Buho, which was delicious.
Came back home took a shower just enjoying some rest time again. It’s been quite an adventure although I wasn’t able to do everything I wanted to do. At least I was stuck in a beautiful place, as well as being inexpensive.
I doubt the weather on the volcano was good. I could tell that the volcano was completely clouded over from my room. At least that’s what I’m gonna tell myself.
I look forward to a good nights sleep to the final push towards the tomorrow night.