Podcast! Shopping! Mission!
Wednesday, I recorded a new podcast! WOOT!
Love this edition on how small effort over time yields great results! Jump into Verbal Surgery -448- “Reward Ivy!”
Just click on the title and GROOVE!
Uploaded to server!
Link on Facebook.
Did grocery shopping. Seems like nearly a daily occurrence.
I bought a new Gardenia plant. So beautiful.
Went to Perimeter Mall to have lunch with Ashley, Penelope, Nana and Jesse.
To Goodwill after lunch to look for clothes for Ashley and the baby.
Penelope gets tired of shopping.
Stopped by CD Tower to pick up a couple of tea sets for the girls back in Texas. Always something interesting to see there.
Mission to help the kids.
They liked the mustache tattoos.
The kids were “playing school.” Astonishing.
Studied Portuguese.
Admin duties.
Rode 8.24 miles.