Whirlwind Missions

Monday, May 21, 2007

Tim A. Cummins @ 1:44 pm  

Had a great time this morning walking around the historic district in Georgetown. This little city is where I went to High School. I was a bicentennial senior~ Man, was that ever a long time ago. Now my kids are graduating!

I really enjoyed looking at the shops around the square. Many are renovated have have arts and crafts. I love that kind of cool art work. Bought some stuff for my folks to remember me by when I leave. Got this owl made out of metal for my dad–Al. The Africans often thought his name was “Owl.” I always that that was funny. So I got him one. He’s a hoot. Get it?

I’m looking forward to this evening. My mom has cooked curry and I have a couple of old friends of mine for Kenya coming over to eat with us. Because of my background overseas and moving around so much, I don’t have a lot of old time friends. These guys I’ve known since I was in elementary school. Sweet! We had a great time together talking about the old days in Nairobi and back in Austin together.

I’m working on editing the video project. I got all 20 sessions onto my hard drive last night. I stopped working around midnight and my ear/jaw started hurting so badly that I had to get up and take another three tylenol. While I waited for the meds to kick in I went back to work. Guess that’s one good thing, eh?
