Tim A. Cummins @ 11:23 pm
I’ll admit it. I was stressed out yesterday. All that moving stuff. . . where are we going. . . ay caramba!
I went to Walmart and bought a bunch of plastic storage boxes so we could move the stuff over to my sister in law Ann’s house.

Then I got a phone call from Kathy, “Did you hear the news about FBC Mountain Park?”
“Nope,” I replied.
“Well just this morning the missionaries living in their mission house went back to Japan! Debbie called and let me know we can stay over there!”
“Seriously?” I couldn’t believe the timing.
“Yep. Give Debbie a call at the church.” (Debbie Lamb is the receptionist for FBC Mountain Park and the wonderful hostess for our family at HER house!)
Sure enough, at 5am the house was ready for us to move to. Jesse and I packed up the van with most of our stuff and we moved a first load in! God is so super cool! I always dig it when the timing is so EXACT!
We’ll be able to stay over there till July 7th. We may have to move back to the hotel for a few weeks. The house is reserved for 4 weeks in July/August. Then again, maybe our house will be finished by July 7th! LORD, please answer that prayer!
I didn’t move my computer stuff to the new house till tomorrow since I’ll have to set up internet and stuff over there.
Jesse and I went to the UNITE meeting for lunch. I made a short presentation about working at the missions hosting block parties in October. The group was very receptive. I’ll make a similar presentation in Alpharetta tomorrow to another group of the UNITE folks.

This evening I went over to Iglesia Bautista Belen. That is Dr. Carlos Salaverria’s church.

He’s one of my favorite pastors. Jesse is having sessions talking with one of their deacons Luis who is also a counselor. J had about 2 hours with him this evening. He seemed to enjoy it.
I had a good time sitting in on the Spanish Bible study that Carlos led. I understood about 95% of what he was saying, so I was pretty happy about that. I am the first missionary that their church supports. I think that’s way cool. I’ll be speaking to the youth (probably in English!) at their mission conference in August.
In case you’re wondering . . .it’s a LOT easier to understand what people are saying than to GENERATE the language. But what I’ve learned over the years is that if you’re willing to try and even if you make a lot of mistakes, you learn a LOT faster if you just get out there and do it. The reason people say that kids learn so much faster than grown ups isn’t because kids are magically so much more adept at language learning, kids just jump in and go for it.
Have you noticed that I haven’t really grown up?
Kathy and I have been married for over 21 years now. She made the comment to me last year, “21 years?! We’re going to have act like grown ups soon.”
We looked at each other and just broke out laughing! Yeah! Like that’s gonna happen!
Here’s to all the Peter Pans in the world!
Love you guys!