Tim A. Cummins @ 2:25 pm
Been working at my office all day long. Making phone calls to verify the locations we have going on next week. We’ll be covering at least 32 different apartment complexes with close to 1,000 people! I have most of the info I need. Tomorrow I’ll work on calling the managers up and letting them know when to expect the team to arrive. This logistics stuff takes a long time to figure out!
Went by my house to check on the work. The electricians are wiring in the lights and plugs today.

Dropped by Staples and Walmart to pick up supplies for next week.

Worked on my financial report for my treasurer.
We’ll pick up Ashley tonight at the airport at 7:30pm. PTL!! Can’t wait to see her!

She’s here now!!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:05 pm
Tim A. Cummins @ 10:14 pm
Kathy and I just got back from our stay on Tybee Island! We had a great time. The weather was perfect and the place wasn’t very crowded.
I shot over 1,000 pictures in five days. I’ll post some of my favorites over the next few days. Uploading that many jpegs takes some time.
While in Tybee, I was able to go to the library and check my email once. That kept me pretty much caught up when I got back. Also kept up with my phone calls. Had a couple of youth director and a mission director needs some info while I was away. I dig the mobile office.
If you’re not using Gmail, you should start! Having all the contacts and email available to any computer is fantastic.
Jesse looked fine when we got home. I was glad to spend some time with him this evening. I wish I could get him to come with me to help with the team I have in town.
Tim A. Cummins @ 10:38 pm
Tim A. Cummins @ 10:32 pm
Practice makes perfect!
My family is getting out of town to rest for a few days.
I’ll be back with the blog soon!
Love you guys and pray for us.
Tim A. Cummins @ 10:09 pm
Kathy and I just got back from seeing Kevin Max play at the Bridge in Stone Mountain. He is one of the best vocalists around! He did a terrific acoustic set. Very cool environment. It was like he was playing in my living room!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:32 pm
Tim A. Cummins @ 7:20 pm
One of those days when I floored it and hung on for the ride!
Started out this morning in Clarkston where my team from Florida and Alabama are painting Clarkston International Bible Church. Plans didn’t go 100% since the keys weren’t there to let them in.

While they were waiting to get in, one of my best partners, Terry Earl, showed up and asked them if they’d like to come with her to visit some families. The girls were delighted to do that and had a fun morning seeing moms with little kids.

The church is coming along well, but we still need a lot of help to get it looking really good.
I had a lunch meeting with the property managers in Chamblee and Doraville. We listened to Doraville’s Police Chief John King share his vision for law and order in the International Village.

It’s hard to find the line between the need merchants have for labor and the letter of the law against illegal immigration.

Basically came down to “We’re going to deport every criminal we find.” Fair enough.
I took the last of the food from the meeting over to Azalea Place for the kids to chow down on. I brought back a big portion of fried rice and sesame chicken.
My team from FBC Bonifay is doing great! They made these sled things they were pulling kids around on. Looked like a lot of fun.

Of course the snow cones are a HUGE crowd favorite.

The afternoon I spent my time shooting video and pictures of the teams and loving on the people.
Jesse and I went to eat Mexican food this evening. On the way over there I saw this incredible sunset.

This evening is the Planter’s Moon. It’s supposed to look especially big this evening.

Fun day!