Tim A. Cummins @ 6:16 pm
The last two days Ashley and Miles have been helping me set up the house.
We go through boxes and decide what needs to be stored and what needs to be used in the house. Takes forever.
I was expecting the contractor today but his schedule didn’t work out. They’ll be back Monday.
Ash and Miles went with me to Doraville to go by the office, check mail and the plants. I’ve been around the house the last few days concentrating on getting us moved back in.
The house is just about set up and comfortable! Thanks for your prayers to make this happen! God is good!
Tim A. Cummins @ 9:47 am
I worked on my financial report for my treasurer.
Still working on unpacking. . . .will it ever end?
Spent the afternoon and evening with Kathy. We saw Journey to the Center of the Earth in 3D. It was pretty cool technology. Movie was ok.
Ashley, Miles and I finished writing the newsletters. Sure was glad I had their help!
Tim A. Cummins @ 9:09 pm
Most of my day I worked with Bill Hickey. He’s going up to New Hampshire to help his family. His brother in law died recently. He’ll help other family members move their stuff.
We went to the Greyhound station to get his ticket to Virginia. Then he’s driving up the rest of the way with his Sister.
Rest of the day I’ve been working on the newsletter. I got it printed up this morning along with picking up some other office stuff.
The kids at the mission helped me put the labels on. I always get them a couple of boxes of doughnuts as a reward!

Contractors came over to install a vanity in our bathroom. Getting better every day.
Love you guys!
Tim A. Cummins @ 5:45 pm
I had a great time today with my college team from FBC Crenshaw, AL. I had fun briefing them on the ways of the immigrant population, taking them for Mexican food, then serving at Azalea Place and Highland Gardens.

We are in GREAT need for school supplies. Please, get your church to start collecting! Call me and I’ll come pick the stuff up.
It was an incredible sunset last night!

I had a good meeting with Ruth Ann North, the wife of Ian North and her mother Charlene.

We explored the immigrant world around Buford Highway and saw the apartment complex where they’ll probably serve. I’m really excited that Ian and Ruth Ann are coming back to Atlanta. They are a terrific couple and will add a LOT to our ministry here in Metro Atlanta.
I’ve spent hours and hours of the last few days unpacking boxes and setting up our house. I’ve had a sore back fer sure.

I’m watching the time trials of the Tour de France. Awesome biking.
We were SO happy to pick up Ashley from the airport yesterday! We spent most of the rest of the day shopping to outfit her room.

This is her first look at her new room!

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:34 pm
This morning I spent a couple of hours ordering the beds for our house. Kathy is going to wait for a while to get hers but the other 3 are ordered!
J and I like sleeping on memory foam, so we get really cheap beds and a good quality foam. Works out great!
Miles and Bill worked on staining our deck today.

We were glad it didn’t rain yesterday. Just a few little sprinkles.
Today is the ultimate day for the Tour de France where they climb the giant mountain Alpe d’Huiz. Fantastic scenery. I love pretending I’m riding a bicycle down those mountains!
Still working on getting my room organized and unpacked. What a job.
Spent time at Target and Walmart picking up odds and ends. Takes forever!
Enjoyed time with my garden this evening. The birds are really getting tame. It’s cool. I’ve had chipmonks crawl over my tennis shoes.

Tim A. Cummins @ 4:35 pm
It was great to meet with Steve Bullard and Glen Canup from N. Metro Baptist Church today!
We had lunch together after I briefed them on the International Village, then we went for a Recon of the Buford Highway area. I always enjoy showing guests around “my” area! They’re always amazed by what they see!
I have the Comcast guy at the house now. He’s getting me hooked up with internet and tv. 
We enjoyed getting together with Kathy’s brothers David and Paul this weekend.

David brought his family and Paul and his son came over to eat Chinese food and see how our house is coming along.

We also enjoyed having Connie Mugala come and spend some time with us. Connie was Kathy’s best friend when we were in Kenya. Kathy was her discipleship mentor. Connie now has a Ph.D. and will be helping us with health issues in Atlanta with our refugee population.
Miles and I painted my room. Last night I moved my electronics over from upstairs in Ashley’s room to my area downstairs. I’ve still got blue feet from that work!

We moved tons of stuff around my house that was in boxes. Still got a lot to do.

Comcast guy, Vietnamese man named Dean, just got everything hooked up. PTL!
Tim A. Cummins @ 11:02 pm
We’re working on my house. Bill and Miles are painting the exterior.

I spent most of the day collecting the supplies for the rest of the work. We’ll be painting the basement area too.
I had a good time visiting with my neighbors this evening. Skip made a delicious pork tenderloin! His daughter and I share a birthday.
Miles is supposed to come over tomorrow to help me with the basement area.

Tim A. Cummins @ 12:54 pm
I worked this morning coordinating the drop off and storage of about 20 TVs for our ministry from our partners at AV Integration works.
I’ve been at my FBC Doraville office for the last couple of hours working on admin email.
Headed over to Office Depot to pick up some supplies for my partners in Clarkston who are developing curriculum for their pre-K program.
Then to check on the teams that I have in town.
Still don’t have internet at my house. I’ll post more when I have a chance.
Love you guys!