Whirlwind Missions

Sunday, July 13, 2008


Tim A. Cummins @ 10:03 am  

Holy moley!  50!

In the morning I spent most of my time cleaning the mission house.  Scrubbed tubs and toilets.  Teaching me humility, I reckon.

The afternoon I went to Mattress Firm to do the shopping for the beds and furniture for our house.  That was a job I was dreading but it wasn’t too hard.  I sent an email to our insurance guy so hopefully we’ll get a check so we can actually go and buy the stuff.

Last night my air mattress went dead so I slept on the  couch.  It was comfortable as I rode into my birthday!

I’m writing this on Sunday morning.  We’ll go to church in a little while.  I’m watching the Tour de France right now.  Then I’ll start breaking down my office stuff and moving it to our house.

I may not have access to the internet for the next couple of days.

Next week is the last of the summer teams!  We’ve had a great time this summer with some very enthusiastic teams.

Pray for us as we get everything back together at our Pitty Pat Court house!

Thank you guys for loving and praying for us!