Whirlwind Missions

Sunday, May 17, 2009

King Tut!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:29 pm  

Spent this morning studying Samuel.  Transition of power between Saul and David. Fascinating!

This afternoon, Kathy and I went to the King Tut exhibit at the Atlanta Civic Center.

  I’d seen the sister exhibit (there’s 3) in Philadelphia.  It was fun to see these artifacts nearly 3,500 years old!  Beautiful artwork.  A real world class exhibit! These pictures are actually from the gift shop, since you aren’t allowed to take pictures of the actual artifacts!
I’d still like to see the original exhibit in Cairo one day!  They don’t let the full death mask out of Egypt any more.
It’s incredible to think that this minor Pharoah, only 19 years old, scrubbed from Egyptian history, is the person that most people think about when they think of Pharoahs!