Whirlwind Missions

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Georgetown Sunday

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:42 pm  


This morning we went to Main Street Baptist Church in Georgetown!
This is the church where I had my call to ministry. I sang in the choir, was a leader in the youth group and really grew up there.

When I was there the church was First Baptist Church Georgetown. FBC moved out of town, but many of the original people are still there.

I thought the pastor did a great job for them.

We went to my folk’s Sunday School class. It was fun to see where they worship.
Came home for a delicious Mexican food meal. My mom was raised on the border of Texas and Mexico. She’s and AWESOME cook! I’m glad I’d lost about 20 pounds before this trip!

Went for a 5 mile run this afternoon.

Then Jesse and I went to the river to try out his metal detector. We found some cans. No treasure! But it’s still fun to look.

This evening, my brother Jim’s daughter Katie came over to our house. I did a mission presentation for her then we all worked on writing our newsletters.

Sure helps when you have help!

Jesse and I will be headed back to Atlanta tomorrow. It’s almost exactly 1,000 miles. Long trip.

It’ll be sad to say goodbye to an area and people that I love! We’ll be back Christmas time with the whole family!

Talked to Kathy this afternoon. She sounds terrible. She said she has the worst sore throat she’s ever experienced. Pray for my sweet wife!

My parent’s neighbors have some really weird looking cats.