Tim A. Cummins @ 9:05 pm
Got nearly 1/2″ of rain yesterday. Good to settle the dust. About choked me to death mowing yesterday.

This morning I went by to see my friends at FBC Mountain Park. Had a great talk with Josh Sutton who is the Worship Leader for the church. Also enjoyed catching up with Debbie Lamb and seeing all the great things her family is up to!
I invited Josh to come have lunch with me and a new partner, Michael Paxton.

He’s a missionary living in Clarkston. We have a number of mutual friends. It’s great to meet fellow soldiers! Josh also brought Jerry Councilman with him. Jerry’s one of the best missionaries I know and is doing phenomenal work in Mali. Always great to see him.

When I was talking to Michael today about Clarkston, we started sharing about the history of that place. I kept saying, “Yeah, I brought them over there.” “Yeah, I got him set up.” “Yeah, I helped him get started.” When I think about all the stuff that is going on because of me bringing people over there and getting them plugged in. . . . gotta admit makes me feel good about what the Lord has accomplished!
And you know what? We are still just barely scratching the surface of the needs in that area. It’s that realization that keeps me humble.
And that ain’t easy.
Jesse and I went to Azalea to help the kids.

The girls sang some songs for me from their presentation last week. Fun to hear them sing!

Kathy went on to Kensington Station to help her kids. Ashley was having a problem with her eye. Pray for her.
Got gas. Seems pricey. I have to run the midgrade.

This evening I got home and ran 4 miles. I’m pretty much back up to where I used to be after my long rest period. Good to be back on the road. Also been lifting weights, so I feel like a dad gum Tiger Tank, baby!
I’m looking forward to the season finales of House and Castle!
I’ve gotten really positive feedback from my partners in Costa Rica that I shot videos for. Hard to know the ripple effect of positive actions put into motion.
Did I mention that my report on the Children’s Rain Forest was used on CNN.com? I’m officially one of their “iReporters.” It was fun going back into news mode. I have nine Associated Press awards for my work with CBS. That and $1.75 will get you a bus pass.
I saw this decal on the back of a car at the Post Office this morning.

Welcome to Atlanta, baby!