Tim A. Cummins @ 5:27 pm
Wednesday I got ready to do my blog and other admin duties and my internet connection was dead. Bahd luck.
So here’s some catch up info!
I had a great meeting with Mel Rhoden, Ian North, Ashley, Kathy and Bennett at Madina.

We talked about expanding work into the more African American areas around Clarkston where there is little or no work being done.
We went over the maps for the areas and how the teams were going to get to them next week when we have FBC Hattiesburg, MS in town. It’s all about logistics!
Checked on my team from FBC Salado and took their leader over to FBC Doraville so we could check out the service project for Thursday (which is today as I’m writing this.)
Wednesday evening, Kathy and I made the trek down to Eagles Landing Baptist Church which is a great church and faithful supporter of our work.

They had a cool display about our work!

Bruce Mewborne is one of my favorite ministers!

This Saturday they’re sending a team to help us in Clarkston. I’ll be over there with my partner Bennett to make sure everything goes well.
I also taught some of the folks how to make balloon animals.

The night went well and the crowd was enthusiastic! Hope to have a good turn out this Saturday. K and I got home to Stone Mountain about 10pm.
Beautiful sunset!

Thursday morning I went over to FBC Doraville to check on the team’s service project. They did a great job! Place looks awesome!

I went over to Perimeter Mall for lunch and saw HUGE lines outside the Apple store for people waiting for their iPhone4! I ordered mine last week. I’ll be getting it in July. They’ll mail it straight to my house. It’s thinner than my old iPhone. It also has video and video conferencing. The camera on the phone is MUCH better and the device is a LOT faster than my old iPhone, which I still love, just not as much.

After lunch, I went to Norcross to check on my teams, but never could catch up with them.
I was totally exhausted after yesterday’s (and the day before that, and the day before that) marathon, so I came on home and started working on editing all the video I shot so I can send DVDs to the teams.
K and I also finished calling all the managers so everything is totally set up for next week’s missions! AMEN!
Tomorrow I’ll also start working on the newsletter. . .
I liked this bumper sticker. Sounded like me.

And while I was at the mall, they had this display titled, “What Inspires You?” I thought some of the replies were amazing. Hair?

Maybe they were talking about the musical.
And did you ever like these 3d Magic Eye pictures? I liked this one.