Tim A. Cummins @ 7:55 pm
Jesse and I went to the Corners today to take care of signing a new lease. We’ve had work there for years. Sure am glad it keeps on going!
Then over to Azalea to help the kids with their homework.

I’ve enjoyed drilling them on math problems. I try to make it fun.

Sure was glad to see some blue sky today!
And these beautiful flowers always make me feel great!

The dogwoods are fantastic this time of year!

The wisteria is just about bloomed out.

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:04 pm
Got about a 1/2″ of rain last night. Amen! And a lot less pollen in the air. Double Amen!

I took my sweet Kathy and Jesse over to eat lunch at John Boy’s today. Good ol’ Southern Cookin’!
As I sat in my chair, I glanced over to a corner table. I thought to myself, “That guy’s a Kenyan.” I reckon it’s from living overseas for so long, but I’m almost always right.
I told Kathy, “He looks Kikuyu,” one of the tribes I worked with a lot.
As we continued eating I heard them say, “Bwana asifiwe!” which in Swahili means, “Praise the Lord.” That’s all I needed to hear. I went over to the table introduced myself and said, “You’re from Kenya, right brothah?”
“Dat’s right!” he replied.
I immediately went into a string of Swahili greetings and asked him about his family. The other white folks at the table were blown away. I guess they don’t see many people come up to a table and start speaking Swahili!
Turns out they were from First Baptist Snellville. In fact their missions director Terry, I’ve talked to on the phone a few times.

It’s amazing to me how the Father works things out. I’ve told many people how the most important thing that happens in my day is normally never planned. This was a perfect example of that.
So we shared contact info and I hope to help FBC Snellville get plugged into some local missions work!

We came home briefly to work on some admin duties before loading back up into the car and going over to Azalea to help the kids.

Big group of kids. We worked a lot on addition facts and multiplication tables. I try to make it fun . . . at least as fun as it can be.

Came on home and watched Red with Kathy. Really liked that movie! Old guys still got some tricks up their sleeves!
Oh, yeah.
Tim A. Cummins @ 10:34 pm
Didn’t sleep well last night. Kept running hot and cold. Had a temp over 100. Finally got out of bed around noon. Feeling better!
This was my car odometer this morning. Groovy!

Jesse and I went to the mall to run some errands.
Checked on the mail at the office.
Then over to Azalea to help the kids.

We had ladies from Poplar Springs Baptist Church bring some supplies that they collected for us to the mission. Sure was great to have their help!

The kids really liked their new Bibles!

We saw the new 3d Nintendo gaming system at Best Buy on the way home. Pretty cool.

Admin work and TV with Kathy this evening. Love watching Castle!
Even pros sweat I reckon.

Ever heard of a chocobo?

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:30 pm
I woke up this morning still pooped from my marathon ministry weekend at FBC Conyers. A good kind of tired!
Worked on two new podcasts! As my wife would say, “Tim lives to hear himself talk.” I reckon that’s true. These two editions are some of my best. Especially, “Run your own Remote Control!” It’s amazing how often we let external events or people run how we feel. This podcast will help alleviate this!
Another good one is “Pull on the door to Success!” We are drawn towards our goals by our desires. Pushing us doesn’t work. Take this podcast for a test drive and see you reach your goals even faster!
Jesse, Kathy and I went to FBC Doraville to meet up with Pastor Eduardo Zamora. He’s doing a wonderful job at his mission. J and I picked up supplies for his Easter Outreach that he’ll be doing soon.

Always great to see him!
Then over to Azalea to work with the kids. WOW they were loud today.

I have to admit I wasn’t feeling that well. I had a terrible headache and felt overall kind of bad. Kathy thought I should stay home and rest, but I didn’t feel THAT bad. Got worse as the hours went by at the mission.
Pray for me that I’ll feel back to 100% right away!
Had a good prayer time with my brother Luther who is having a procedure tomorrow morning. Pray for him that everything will go just perfectly. AMEN!
Tim A. Cummins @ 10:56 pm
Had a great time back at FBC Conyers today!

Kind of a short night since I had to get up at 6:30am and I got woken up a lot by the tremendous thunderstorms in our neighborhood! WOW!
Had a great time speaking to the Fishers of Men Sunday School class this morning.

Ashley and Jesse joined me this evening for the worship service and the Missions Fair.

Awesome to have BOTH my kids with me.

Working on admin duties now.
On the way home this afternoon they had a big concrete thing that fell off a truck. Ouch!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:03 pm
Terrific rainstorm this morning. It was awesome to have less pollen in the air. Check out what the rain carried away.

One of my highlights every year is the mission conference at FBC Conyers.

They always have a terrific spirit and a lot of enthusiasm.

Also fun to see friends again from other missions.

Had a great time this evening sharing with a class about our ministry. I look forward to seeing them on the field soon.
It’ll be an early morning tomorrow as my first assignment starts at 8:15am and it takes me 45 minutes to get to Conyers.
That’s one reason God created naps!
Beautiful bushes and flowers! I love this time of year.

I saw these at the mall between my assignments at the conference.

I believe in this whole heartedly.

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:13 pm
Had a fun day with my sweet daughter, Ashley!

We had a good lunch together then hung out at the book store–my favorite “me” thing to do.
I thought this title sounded like me.

I saw a statue for Oscar Wilde when I was in London. I liked this quote.

We saw this stretch Humvee outside Red Robin. Groovy!

Came home to write my newsletter then take the originals to make copies at Staples.

We had a fun family supper tonight!

The whole family is working on writing them. Actually, I’m taking a break from that tonight.

I have to be up tomorrow to start the missions conference at FBC Conyers. I have a briefing around lunch time then a presentation at a home in the evening.
Then back again for an 8:15am Sunday School class. Yow!
The conference will end Sunday evening. Busy weekend!
This is one of my favorite barns in Georgia.

I love the Spring trees!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:17 pm
This morning I took our Sugar dog out for a run. We did our 2.25 mile circuit in fine form! A lot cooler than it has been. Had to get my jacket on.

J and I went to Walmart to pick up some painting supplies.

Also went to Staples to pick up more printer ink.

Made phone calls to partners setting up outreach for this weekend. We have teams in 4 locations in Chamblee. We’ll have some others with a partnering church the end of April. We’re making sure we have that organized as well.
Worked on getting the newsletters ready. Printed up the labels, got stamps and had the kids help us put the letters together.

I worked with several of the children at Azalea going over multiplication tables and addition facts. I had a talk with one of the kid’s moms about her son’s progress. I told her that I wasn’t going to help him do homework that he obviously wasn’t capable of doing until he had his multiplication tables down. Otherwise they’ll just keep giving him harder and harder homework, and he will obviously not be able to do it. She seemed to understand.

It was great to have the whole family together working at the mission!

Came home to work on admin duties.
Just got off the phone with a dear brother of mine who is going in for surgery next week. Please pray for him. The Father knows who you’re praying for!
Also remember to pray for Ian North as he heads off to Nepal Friday that he’ll have a safe trip and stay healthy!
I liked this bumper sticker.

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:01 pm
Got up and got some exercise this morning!
Although I walked at least 5 miles a day in London every day, I didn’t run. Today I got in a 2.25mi run. I’ve found I have to start out with shorter distances when I get back into it or I start developing problems. Ran, had a great time and feel like a dad gum Tiger Tank, baby!
Spring is doing its thing! I love to see the Azaleas start to bloom!

Kathy and Jesse joined me at Azalea this afternoon.

Super wild day. A couple of my loudest kids were pushing the envelope in volume. Now when *I* say someone’s loud, brother you know they’re loud.
Did get through most of their work.
Spent about an hour just helping Fahim. His English still isn’t all that great and he needs a lot of help getting his work done.

It can be pretty frustrating for a high speed guy like me.
I helped another kid and came back to my seat. This was waiting for me.

I reckon that’s why I keep doing it.
Came home to owls hooting in my trees. I like to practice my barn owl calls, because many times they answer me!

He’s in there, somewhere!
Kathy says, “I like to hear you talk with the birds.”
I liked this tiny little red lichen. Beauty surrounds me!