Tim A. Cummins @ 11:28 pm
This morning I worked on writing and producing my newsletter for this month. February is a short one, so we have to get an early start!
Had a great lunch with my sweet chilluns!

Can’t get enough of those two! Kathy was riding her bike the ten miles to Clarkston in lieu of lunch.
Metro Cafe Diner has pieces of cake nearly the size of my head! (No, I didn’t eat the whole thing! That’s a three day job.)

Jesse is helping me transfer my files from my old (really slow) computer and my new (hot patootie) desk top. I appreciate having a supergenius for a son! He built it!

I liked this egg!
J helped me with the kids at Azalea this afternoon. We were swamped with kids.

The parents try to help. Emphasis on “try.”

I took this picture of Rosybel so she could know what color her eyes are. When you ask the Latino kids for eye color know what they say?

They ask me, “What color are your eyes, Mr. Tim?”
I tell them, “Look really closely. See. They’re gold suns in a blue sky.” Sounds better than “Hazel.”
I showed the kids my newest toy. White people head. It’s made of styrofoam so I immediately ran it back to the car when the kids acted like they were going to stab it with a pencil.

No offense to white people. They’d stab anything that sat still long enough.
Barbara helps me teach the other kids reading.

Stayed late. Again. Good thing I love my job!
Enjoyed watching my recordings of House and Castle with K this evening, before diving back into admin duties.
I have a conference at Roswell United Methodist Church tomorrow, Saturday and Sunday. PLUS a group from 12 Stone Church also on Saturday.
And you wonder why I have little tolerance for people who tell me they’re “too busy.”
It’s all about desire, baby.
I liked the way this mirror was reflecting.

$5/Gallon gas!?? If that happens, I’d better start a mission near my house.