Tim A. Cummins @ 9:05 pm
This morning I worked on new podcasts! Always GROOVY!
The world is an amazing place, but you have to look to see it! Remove the blinders and notice what’s going on around you. ESPECIALLY, what people are saying without talking! Check out “Look and See!”
And then a personal favorite of mine: Get more FUN out of life! Give “Put the FUN back in Function!” a listen!
This afternoon we went to Azalea to help the kids with their homework. PLENTY to keep us busy.

Johan wanted to try out my glasses. This is his “sexy” look.

I gave Angel some fake teeth. He was delighted!

Doing admin duties now. It’s the end of the month so I also have to work on my financial report. Always SUCH fun.
Tim A. Cummins @ 6:18 pm
Had a fun day with Kathy today!

We went to one of my “Food Favs,” Crazy Ron’s BBQ!

MAN that cat can cook!
I love their chopped pork sandwich and you can’t beat their potato salad. YUMBO!
Then went across the street to the Stone Mountain cemetery, one of my favorites!

It was established in 1850. They have a lot of Confederate Soldiers buried there.

There was a hospital right across the street.

Did you know that the KKK used to hold meetings on top of Stone Mountain? This is the only gravestone I know that actually mentions them!

Then you have this this R rated gravestone.

Plus the statue will make you blush!

I think I may have this on my gravestone.

Or maybe this one. . .

Kind of cool to bury your pets with you.

“He glittered when he walked?” Not sure I understand that.

Maybe he was really sweaty.
Can’t beat Kipling for final words!

Exactly why would you put this?

Walked around the city of Stone Mountain too. I liked this spine hanging from the Back Clinic.

Reminded me of Predator.
Also went shopping at Walmart while Kathy got a haircut.

I gave myself a haircut too! Guess I’ve been doing it for a couple of years now.
Working on admin duties now!
Tim A. Cummins @ 9:28 pm
The whole family went to Madina in Clarkston for lunch! Always awesome to have everyone together!

Had a fun day at the mission today!

Are rabbit ears a universal thing?

I was glad that Jesse and Colleen came to help me!
Plus we had Nita there too. She’s always a big help.

The kids did a good job today!
Jesse brought a science experiment. He had the ol’ Coke and Mentos combination. Wasn’t exactly as spectacular as we were hoping. We’ll try again with diet Coke!
For some reason Joy wanted me to take a picture of his eye.

I wonder if this cat is speaking in Spanish?

This is the typical way we’d string a wire in Africa. Sure makes me miss home!

I liked these clouds. Shows the difference between cloud levels.

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:23 pm
Two AM last night and my dreams were answered: Jesse is back home! And he brought his girlfriend, a real delight named Colleen Golrick. I really appreciated her helping out at the mission. I made a big deal to the kids that she has a black belt!

I wrote the notes on my newsletters last night, finished that up around midnight.
Got them in the mail this morning.
I had the whole family with me at the mission at Azalea today!

What a blessing to have that much high quality help!
The kids drew pictures for me today. I asked them to draw me. Whatcha think?

I was parachuting in this one!

Working on admin duties now.
Sure am glad I’m feeling better. I had one of the mothers tell me in Spanish that she was a little big sick. I told her to go home. I’m sick of being sick!
We appreciate your support SO much. I give pencils away all the time. One kid was trying to write with this little piece of lead. That was all he had!

Not sure about these feet.

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:53 pm
Worked till well after midnight last night on the newsletter and labels.
Had a hard time going to sleep. Nearly 4am. Bahd luck.
Wrote my newsletter, got stamps and made the copies today.

The kids at the mission helped us with the labels.

Then we made sure they’d finished their homework.
Now we’re writing the notes on the newsletters. Lotsa work!
Admin duties still to go.
I liked this car tag.

Are you smarter than a 3rd grader?

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:13 pm
Finally feeling better today!

Been having trouble getting to sleep. I finally stopped looking at the clock around 3:30 am. That’s not zesty!
Worked on two new podcasts today! Always fun!

Here’s something I believe in! “Normal is Scary!”
And it’s SO important to watch what you say to yourself and others. That’s because “Word Play is a Contact Sport!”
Kathy went to the mission to help me with the kids this afternoon. THANKS for her help!

Great to see the kids again.

They were concerned about me being sick. That’s always sweet.

Working on admin duties now. I need to get the labels done for the newsletters going out this week. Always something.
One of the teams wants to write letters to the kids. The kids weren’t too enthusiastic about writing back. Too much like school work. I’ll have to bribe them with candy, I reckon.

Beautiful sunset at the mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:13 pm
This morning I sent the A-Team to cover for me at Peachtree Corners Baptist Church. That’s the Ashley Team! Kathy went too. Thanks to both my girls for always being there when I need them!
Went this evening for the missions fair and to speak at the banquet. Even though I felt kind of shaky, I gave them 10 minutes of rowdiness!

Always great to go to PCBC! GREAT partners!

It was fun to see Bennett tonight! He’s been sick too.

He’s been on the “I’ve been sick” diet as well.
Lots of friends and fun.

Sure am glad I’m home resting!
Finishing up my admin duties now.
I liked this sign.

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:41 pm
I’m feeling a bit better today. PTL!

Cold one again last night. Froze the bird bath.

Ashley and Kathy went to Peachtree Corners Baptist Church today to cover for me. I hope to feel well enough to do my thing at the conference tomorrow, at least in the evening when I’m supposed to speak at the banquet.
Went for pizza and picked up some supplies for the mission.

I believe in “More powder to the people!”

Also took care of banking. I love the automated ATMs.

Back in bed resting now.
I like these Pepsi displays.