Tim A. Cummins @ 7:27 pm
This morning I worked on my bi-weekly Financial Report for Whirlwind Missions. One of my least favorite jobs, yet important!

I finished it up late this afternoon after we got back from the mission.
Jesse, Ashley and I went to Chamblee to check on the mail at the office, talk to Pastor Bill at the church and check on the team Azalea.

The team from ACCCN is doing a great job! The kids love them!

It was fun to see some of my favorites that hadn’t been at the mission in a while.

We checked out the Buford Highway Farmer’s Market. J needed some plaintains.
Ever heard of these Dried Ghost Chilies? They’re the hottest on the planet! Twice as hot as Habaneros! They’re a 10+ on the hot scale! Scared me just handling the packaging!

In all my born days, I’ve never seen a RED banana!

And Flip Flop wine? Who comes up with this stuff?

This is just mean.

What engineer came up with this wiring?

We went by Staples to pick up some supplies we needed for the office.
Came home to finish up my report and then mow the yard. Another of my least favorite jobs.
Glad that’s done! I feel like I have half the yard dust in my sinuses. Ay caramba!
Gettin’ hot out here!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:33 pm
This morning I spent doing one of my favorite things: talking!
I always enjoy recording my podcasts. I’ve gotten some really positive feedback from people on how they’ve helped them. That’s what it’s all about!
Two new ones today!

I’m all about inspiring people. This podcast really fits the bill! “You get what you detect!” Helps you to open your eyes to the amazing things going on around you every day!
If there’s one word that describes me it’s “passion!” I’m probably one of the most enthusiastic people you’ll ever meet. I LOVE this edition of Verbal Surgery! “Passion is always in fashion!” I think you’ll really enjoy it. Just click on the highlighted words and it’ll start playing! Enjoy!
I was also on one of the biggest Talk Radio shows in America! The co-host of Free Talk Live interviewed me on Verbal Surgery. He’s a big fan! “The Interview!”
I enjoyed a delicious hamburger for Memorial Day at Red Robin with Kathy and Jesse. Good times!

We also had fun looking at the book at Barnes and Noble. Always one of my favorite things.

Came home to finish uploading my podcasts then went over to Azalea place to give the briefing to my team from the Atlanta Chinese Christian Church North! They’ll be spending ten days at the mission at Azalea. They actually live there! Talk about total immersion!
I had a great time visiting with them and sharing my briefing and vision for the area.

They even bought us a new basketball goal. Awesome!
Terrific to see my kids!

Came home to do some shopping for the family and for the mission.
Working on admin duties now.
I think I have the bus routes figured out for my team next week.

One of my big Summer teams arrives on Friday.
Tim A. Cummins @ 9:01 pm
K and I went to Clarkston International Bible Church this morning!

It was great to be back there. It’s been a while since I’ve been out of town and preaching at other churches the last few weeks.
Today we honored the graduates!

That’s a big milestone!
Kathy’s favorite part was seeing one of the babies she works with at the Mommy and Me program in Clarkston.

Louise is a sweet little baby from the Congo. Groovy!
We ate lunch with the rest of the congregation and then came home to rest.
I didn’t sleep well last night. My mind gets to thinking about the teams coming soon and I puzzle out how the big bus will get around to the ten locations they’re covering.
It gets complicated. The bus can’t take right turns well. The bus needs to drop off the teams on the right side of the road so they don’t have to cross the streets. The locations need to be pretty close to each other. Literally takes hours to develop the routes in the best way.
That’s why the count on Whirlwind Missions to take care of them! It’s all about the details!
Enjoying watching one of my favorite shows on TV with Kathy this evening: Oddities! It’s about a curiosity shop which mainly deals in antique medical equipment and circus stuff. Two of my favorites!
Fun day!
I thank God for our soldiers who fought in wars to protect our freedom.
God bless AMERICA!
Tim A. Cummins @ 9:29 pm
I put a new hubcap on Kathy’s van this morning. Looks pretty good!

I love Atlanta! I’m sure I could find a new cool place every day if I tried!
Spent the day with Ian & Ruthie North and Jesse! Don’t get no better!

We had breakfast in Decatur at a place I’ve never tried before: Rise and Dine and 24 hour breakfast place

. It was great.

I loved my Spanish Omelette!

I dig Decatur. Hippies rock!

Took the crowd over to the Carlos Museum at Emory University to see the display on Mythical Creatures. Lots of cool things of Greece, Mesopotamia and Africa!

I thought Ian looked like this guy.

Also really enjoyed the Egyptian section of the museum: One of the best in the world!
Ruthie had a Village Gathering this afternoon, so we took her back to Huntington Creek where they live and the boys kept on exploring.

I dig hieroglyphics!

We enjoyed perusing the Atlanta Vintage Bookstore. Lots of old books to look through.

I got several old plates from books on Africa. Groovy!
I liked Bob, the owner. Cool guy!

We made our way over to the Goodwill near Perimeter mall where I picked up a couple of cool tshirts. The guys looked for more books!
Back home to spend time with my sweet wife and work on admin duties.
Groovy day!
I liked this baby green pine cone.

I like to think of myself as this zone.

I give my son this score.

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:01 pm
Nearly 1 1/2″ of rain last night. Awesome!

I enjoyed hanging out with Ashley and Miles today!

This morning we went to Cafe Istanbul for some Turkish food. Delicious!

Had a nice rest this afternoon!
I was on the radio today! One of my friends is the co-host of one of the most popular talk radio shows in America: Free Talk Live. He’s a big fan of my podcasts, Verbal Surgery. I went on his show tonight to talk about it. Fun!
Then off to Fernbank to watch the Imax movie “Tahiti, the ultimate wave.” WOW! What a great movie!

Miles liked this Black Bear!

And the dinosaurs at sunset were groovy!

Fun day for sure!
I liked this little rug from Cafe Istanbul!

And these stickers! For sure it’s true!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:23 pm
Jesse and I had an appointment at the US Post Office in Lawrenceville today! He got his application in for a passport. Always an exciting step!

This morning I made copies of the newsletters at Staples.
The kids helped me write little notes on the letters. 154 copies this month!

Kathy, Jesse, Ashley and I went to Azalea to have a party with the kids. I was planning on filling up the cooler with water and letting the kids splash each other with big cups. We were planning on going swimming, but none of the pools were open yet.
When we got to the mission it started absolutely pouring down rain. Wow!

So much for the water fun party! God decided to do His own thing instead!

We needed the rain for sure!
I liked this license plate.

Tim A. Cummins @ 12:25 am
It’s that time of the month: Newsletters!
I wrote my article and produced my two pages this morning. Always great to have that job done!
Then over to the Post Office to get the stamps for the mail out.

Then to Staples to get more envelopes.
Picked up Ashley and Jesse for lunch. Always fun!
I was supposed to have an interview with a reporter from the Atlanta Journal Constitution about the immigration law the State of Georgia just passed. His first assignment went long, so we’re scheduled to talk Thursday afternoon.
Went to Azalea to have the kids help me with the labels for the newsletters.

Ash and I picked up some ice cream for them as a reward. We got some popcycles too!

Then Ash, J and I went to see a movie on a cave in France called Chavet. It has some of the earliest known cave art. It was a cool movie, but about thirty minutes too long.

I liked the art. I’ve seen cave art when I lived in Zimbabwe. It was cool too!
We made a quick stop at the Book Nook. Pretty cool bookstore, but we didn’t find anything we wanted.

Came home to watch a movie with K. Rostrepo–about a platoon that spent 15 months in the most dangerous part of Afghanistan. It was really interesting since it was totally true.
Jesse and I go to get his passport renewed tomorrow.
We have these bees that are destroying the hand rails going in to my house. Wow!

I liked this gold shoe.

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:37 pm
Had a productive day with a new partner, Ryan Tucker from Orangeburg, SC!

I enjoyed taking him around the International Village and showing him how extraordinary this place is!
Always plenty of unusual things to see!

We had lunch with Ian and Ruthie North! Always groovy!

I took Ryan around to the missions where his team will be going. Excellent!
I spent the rest of the afternoon working the phone setting up the locations for the 80 people we have coming in a couple of weeks. Looks like it’s all working out. I love it when a plan comes together!

I had some long talks with manager friends of mine. They’re really upset over this HB87 anti-immigrant bill that Georgia has signed into law. Bad legislation. The Atlanta Journal Constitution is supposed to call me to get my take on it. We’ll see how it goes. It’s a really emotionally charged issue.
I loved this cactus flower!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:27 pm
Monday is always one of my favorite days because it means new podcasts!
I enjoy taking one of my proverbs and expanding on it! As my wife would say, “Tim lives to hear himself talk.” True dat.
A common theme of Verbal Surgery is how important taking action is. If you have trouble getting things done, or getting started you should listen to this one! “Action is Power!”
Another strong belief of mine is how important the words we use are. It’s critical that we are always positive with people. Not convinced? Check out, “Put Your Mouth on Bruise Control.”
Had a good lunch with the whole family. Brief rest then off to Azalea to hang out with the kids at the mission!

We have our first, and the kid’s favorite, team coming this Sunday. The Chinese Church actually lives at the mission for about a week and a half working intensively with the kids. Awesome! The mission looks great–freshly painted and clean. AC still needs some work, but I feel confident it’ll be fixed by Sunday when they come.
After the mission, we enjoyed Taco Veloz before coming home.

K and I watched the season finale of House. We liked the season finale of the Mentalist a LOT better.
Wasn’t sure what this sign meant.

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:03 pm
Had a great weekend with Kathy! Always great to spend a little one on one time!
Most of our get aways are focused on Chattanooga. We went to an old favorite of ours Tallulah Gorge this weekend!
She wasn’t really in a hiking mood, so I did most of the exploring on my own.

Tallulah is an amazing place. Used to be THE honeymoon destination in the early 1900s!

Whole lotta steps!

Also enjoyed looking for antiques in Dillard. Lots to stuff to look through!

And the folk art was cool! My favorite was by Eric Legge.

There was a tornado near the area we stayed at last weekend. Wow!

It’s a lot closer to get home from Tallulah. That’s nice!
Great to get back home!

Getting ready for the summer teams now.
Beautiful flowers in the area!

Can’t believe how hot it was today!