Tim A. Cummins @ 9:26 pm
This morning I edited the video I shot of the teams from last week. I usually put it all together then add a music track with an ethnic flavor.

After it’s edited, I burn dvds on my computer and put them in a little protective sleeve in preparation to send them to the team leaders.

Worked on my email. We’re getting new prayer cards made. We’re almost completely out.

I took Kathy and Jesse out for a delicious Greek gyro.

I really like Messinas on 29 in Lawrenceville. Good stuff.
Kathy and Jesse hung out at the Book Nook for a while while I put some gas in the car and cleaned the windshields which were awful.
After I was done, they still wanted to stay and look at books. Normally, I am the first person to go to the book store, but the Book Nook is not my cup of tea. Not a big selection and I tend towards the new releases, not old stuff.
So I went to Goodwill and looked for tshirts. I found a good one with Einstein writing on a black board. In big letters it says “Listen to the Genius.” On the black board it says “Give Blood.” I thought it was a witty production.
This evening I enjoyed hanging out with Tommy and Katie who will be married in a little over a month. I like to have a premarital counseling session. I wore my new shirt. I thought it was funny to be counseling someone with a shirt on that says, “Listen to the Genius.” ; )
After Goodwill I walked through the antique store. I found a new globe. It’s in great shape. My line in the sand is if the globe says Tanganyika rather than Tanzania. That happened in 1964. So nearly fifty years old. I’d say that 95% of the globes I look at say Tanzania.

I also collect Yoda, my favorite character from a movie series. I like this cup from 1999.

Lots of other weird things there. Here’s a couple more I liked.

Picked up K and J from the Book Nook and went to T&G to pick up my car. It passed the emission test! Yeah! But needed front brakes, so I spent $316 to get that done plus the emission test. The Expedition needed some work as well. Nearly $300 for that as well.
What has shocked us is that Kathy’s car, the old van has passed the test the last three years in a row. It passed again this year and so the total for her was only $25.
I picked up my car and went to Walmart. Had a couple of things I needed to pick up, like stamps and Halls cough drops.
While I was there I found a new straw hat. I needed a new one to replace, at least temporarily, my other hat. It’s too tight and hot during the summer. Although this has been my favorite hat EVER.

The new one is not nearly as nice, but it’s loose and cooler. Two good things as the weather begins to heat up, like it did today. My car said 96 this afternoon. But so far June has been surprisingly cool.
Enjoyed my time with Tommy and Katie this evening.
Katie’s mom Ann came over to spend some time and visit with Jesse. J will be leaving on Wednesday to go back to California. He’s really looking forward to that. I’m glad he’s happy.
Admin duties now.
I liked these flowers.

This intrigued me.