Tim A. Cummins @ 11:03 pm
I’m still working on plans for the Summer.
Made calls this morning about a basketball team I’m hosting later in July.
Kathy and I met up with Ashley in Clarkston then went to Chamblee to check on our team from the Atlanta Chinese Christian Church North.

They’re doing a great job. I’m a big bird feeder myself!

Then over to check on apartment complexes for GoldRush.
I let Ashley do almost all the talking. It’s good practice for her. And she’s AWESOME at it!
Came home to rest and work on admin duties.
K and I are watching a French film called “The Names of Love.” I like listening to other languages in film.
Tim A. Cummins @ 8:27 pm
Had fun with both my girls today! Kathy’s last day with the Mommy & Me program for refugees was Wednesday.

GREAT to have her with us today.
We went by to check on our team from the Atlanta Chinese Christian Church North who is living at the mission at Azalea.

They’ll be there for ten days. That’s amazing for a team to LIVE there for that long.

The kids love them.
Came home to rest and work on a new podcast! One of my favorite things to do!
Check out “Make BELIEVE!” One of my best efforts!
Tim A. Cummins @ 8:03 pm
I enjoyed a restful morning. Thought about our war vets. Hard to believe we still have war. Seems like our species would have grown out of that by now.
Although it’s getting a lot better.
K and I enjoyed a cool movie called Way Out. It was about these people in a gulag in Siberia who escaped and walked across the Gobi Desert and the Himalayas to India. Over a 4,000 mile walk.
After all that about a long walk, we went for a 2.25 mile walk around the neighborhood. We took Sugar with us.

Our neighbors built a long slip and slide.

I noticed a hummingbird nest had fallen to the ground. I’ve heard about them using lichens, but had never seen it in real life before. Hope the baby birds are ok!

I read they use spider web to tie it together. Amazing.
It was beautiful. Especially the flowers.

In Georgia the neighborhoods make banners in honor of the graduates. They don’t do that in Texas.

I don’t like the sound of this sign.

I thought this looked cool. Not sure what it came off of.

I like the sun streaming through the clouds.

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:35 pm
Had a fun day!

We had lunch with Bob Ashman and Pastor Joe Kontyko. Then took them over to Sandy Springs to see the mission work in that area!

Had a great time getting to know the managers in the area again and giving the the good news of the team coming to help in June!
It’s always fun to get to know some of the residents.

After setting up the four apartment complexes, Ash and I went to pick up chairs from our partner Tim Hutchinson at Suburban Rentals!

They’ve been SO generous to us!

I liked these big scissors from Suburban Rentals!

We also went to see a Flea Market before going to Azalea to help the kids!
I thought these mannequins were weird.

I bought this Egyptian plate. I liked the metal work.

No one had any work to do. So we just had fun with the kids. I was glad they helped me carry in all the chairs.

The girls are glad school is almost out!

Back to the office to do my admin jobs and spend time with Kathy in the evening!
GREAT day!
These signs were in the bathroom where I ate lunch.

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:42 pm
Ashley and I spent hours today going through our list of locations for the Summer Teams.

We contacted all 22 of them and verified the routes that the buses will travel.

NOT an easy task!
We took a short break before going to the missions. Chamblee is blessed with a whole row of antique stores. I love looking at all the old stuff! Biggar Antiques is one of my favorites.

I thought this old globe was amazing. I has to be nearly 100 years old. Groovy!

This kind of scared me when I turned the corner.


Old car tires were SOLID!

Other puzzling yet groovy things.

Put ’em up!

The ultimate fishing workout.

Then over to Azalea to help the kids! Only two more days left! A couple of the girls needed help with a book report.

Did some cleaning of the mission. It’s always something to pick up.
Came home and ate pizza with Kathy.
Looking forward to spending time with her tonight.
Admin duties now.
I liked this flower!

Powerful clouds today!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:12 pm
Tim A. Cummins @ 7:20 pm
Did one of my favorite things today: Podcast! Today marks the 150th episode of Verbal Surgery. It’s one of the best things I’ve ever done!
I really like this edition. It’s called “Gas Tank!” Just click on the title and get to listening!
Took Kathy out for lunch.

The Virginia Tech team did a great job painting the Fellowship Hall at FBC Doraville!

Went to work early today so I could go back to Broad Street Antiques. I wanted to pick up a globe that Ashley liked.

It lights up! Groovy! I thought the base was cool too.

I also found this cool glass head with brain!

Skulls, skeletons and brains are other stuff I really enjoy collecting!
I also liked these images!


Went over to the mission to help the kids with their homework.

I was interested in these news releases. White babies are officially the minority now.

I thought this was also interesting.

Why would someone enter the back of a trash truck?