Tim A. Cummins @ 4:02 pm
Dropped off material for the financial report that Ashley works on for Whirlwind Missions. THANKS ASH! I love her cottage.

Had a fun lunch with Ian and Ryan today! Always great to hang out with them!
My friends at Mt. Tabor BC brought over some more school supplies! Excellente!

Picked up some paint from Lowes to redo Bayo’s apartment.

He has a friend of his that lives at the apartment complex who will paint it for him. Great!
Visited with Dr. Mel Colon this afternoon.

He gave me some cards to help the residents at the apartment complexes get a better deal on their prescriptions.
Heard that Miles cut his hand while he was getting bamboo for the pandas. Pray for his speedy recovery!
I liked this mushroom in my yard.

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:29 pm
This morning I went for a 4 mile run. Pretty hard even though it was cloudy.
Had lunch with Ashley and Jesse. They headed up to N. Carolina this afternoon to speak at a conference. I’m glad J could go with his sister!

Kathy and I helped the kids at the mission this afternoon. Super crowded with kids.

I liked Rashawn’s t-shirt. It’s from Bangladesh.

Enjoyed watching “La Casa de Mi Padre” this evening with Kathy. It’s Will Ferrill’s movie all in Spanish.
This flower reminded me of Costa Rica.

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:53 pm
Kathy and I did our grocery shopping today! We’re trying to eat healthier. That’s always good.

Then over to Azalea to work with the kids and get the newsletters folded and into the mail.
Kids had a lot of homework! Glad I had Ash and K there!

Enjoyed eating Vietnamese food with Miles and Ashley and K this evening. Rested briefly at my office before going to the airport to pick up Jesse!
The Atlanta skyline is beautiful at night. Especially with the clouds.

GREAT to have him home!

Admin duties now.
Do you have to add milk to this tea?

I liked this flower.

I thought this was funny.

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:30 pm
This morning I practiced being creative!
I worked on a new podcast! “Implant!” Ingest this audio and feel good NOW! It’s one of my best efforts. Just click on the title!

Also posted more of my proverbs. Always fun.

Then ran 3 miles. Actually, ran about 2.5 and walked the rest. That full sun was something else!
Picked up Ashley at the church then went to Huntington Ridge to sign the new lease agreement and pay a bill.
Then over to Office Depot to get some magnetic strips to put on the back of the family prayer card we’re sending out with this month’s newsletters.
The kids helped us put the labels on. Then they enjoyed doughnuts.

Afterwards, we worked on homework.

Got home about 8pm and enjoyed watching TV with K. She’s feeling a bit better. I’m glad she’s taking some antibiotics.
Admin duties now and rest.
Tim A. Cummins @ 9:52 pm
This morning Kathy and I went to Clarkston International Bible Church.

Always fun to hear Pastor Phil preach!

Today he spoke from Song of Solomon about what women want. To be loved, cherished and paid attention to!
Then shot off to First Baptist Atlanta where I spoke to the English as Second Language teachers there.

I was to “fire them up” about teaching this year. Seems like I did my job!

While we were there, we met up with Eduardo and Sheila Zamora and their family and pastor friends from Venezuela. GREAT to see them!

Kathy and I enjoyed watching a movie in Italian this evening. “Bread and Tulips.” I liked that it was shot in Venice.
She’s not feeling very well. Sore throat and fever. Pray for her!
Glad to have Ashley back in town. She had a great time in Texas and California. She sure was messed!
I liked this poster at church. I’m a big Dr. Seuss fan!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:03 pm
Thursday night I came home to work on my admin duties and my keyboard wasn’t working. Bahd luck. So I didn’t update my day.
I went to Best Buy this afternoon to buy a new keyboard. GREAT!
I had a good meeting with Rob Martin to discuss our summer teams on Thursday. What a great partnership!
Also took my bike in to get worked on. The gear cables were messed up.

And got a new hat. Always good!

I also saw this at the mall. It’s the group that makes Lady Gaga’s new perfume.

Then worked at the mission with the kids. Sure was glad K was there to help!

I thought this was funny.

Got about 1/4″ of rain last night.

The big news is we found SUGAR! We got a call from a man who had her. So that was really good news.

She’s not big on being held.
Then this evening K and I went to the airport to pick up Ashley and Miles from their adventures in Texas and California!

Wonderful to have them back!
We’re at the house now to work on admin duties and rest. I have a team coming to help us tomorrow afternoon at Azalea.
I thought this sign was interesting.

Can shoes ever be too shiny?

Beautiful flowers!

Not a bad place to buy a cup of coffee.
Mostly Bosnians there.
Not sure I like this attitude.

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:06 pm
Worked on a new podcast this morning! One of my favorites! All In!

Also went by the vets in our area.

Went by the Dekalb County pound to look for Sugar. No luck. 🙁

Went to see friends at Perimeter church. Because of the economy they’re having to cut our funding by half. Always sad to see that.
Stopped by the bookstore for a few minutes. They’re selling my drone there!

Wasn’t sure what category this was. No lighting?

Beautiful flowers!

Then over to the mission to help the kids. Sure was glad that Kathy was there to help.

Tabias came by to see me today! He’s on of my original kids from my youth group. Love him!

Back home now working on admin duties.