Tim A. Cummins @ 11:05 pm
Kathy, Jesse and I went to Clarkston International Bible Church this morning!

Pastor Phil preached on sickness and health. Good stuff!

They waxed all the floors in the children’s department where the Mommy and Me program is held. K is in charge of the 3 year olds.

I’m sure they’ll enjoy their clean surroundings!

Jennifer, the director of the program, spoke at church today.

I love signs like these! Know what language these are?

Miles was still a bit sick. Ashley let him sleep in this morning. Good plan to speed healing! We enjoyed Indian food for lunch.
Came home to rest.
Rainy afternoon!
J and I went to Best Buy. I needed to exchange my keyboard, AGAIN! The new one works better!
We had fun watching 21 Jump Street this evening. Rough language but a pretty funny movie!
Admin duties and rest!
I liked Ashley’s pumpkin!

BTW the languages were Swahili, French and Burmese!
Tim A. Cummins @ 9:32 pm
We had a fun day today for Miles’ birthday!

Our family and the Kendalls got together to enjoy some tasty Malaysian food at Penang!

Miles’ best friend James also came!

Then we went to Buford Highway Farmer’s Market to show their family a little piece of the wonders of the International Village!

Came home for a rest.
Then went for a 3 mile bike ride and ran 4 miles.
Good exercise!
Enjoying watching John Carter of Mars with Kathy and Jesse!
Back to admin duties.
Tim A. Cummins @ 9:20 pm
Had a fun morning working on a new podcast!

“Super Mega Placebo! It’s a fun one! You’ll get a blast out of it. Just click on the title!

Worked on admin duties, phone calls and email.
Ate lunch with Kathy. She’s got a bit of a sore throat and isn’t feeling well. Jesse and Miles are also under the weather. Pray for my sweet family!
Came home and worked out on weights. Been a while since I did that! Felt good.
Went to the mission with Kathy. Met Ashley and Jesse there. Fun group!

Did the shopping for groceries this evening.
Admin duties to complete now.
I thought these flowers at the grocery store were beautiful.

I liked these clouds. They always remind me of frosting.

Not sure I want a passive odor dispenser.

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:10 pm
Tim A. Cummins @ 10:02 pm
Tim A. Cummins @ 8:41 pm
Had fun making a new podcast this morning.

One of my best efforts. It’s called “Lost and FOUND! It’s one of the most powerful episodes EVER! Just click on the title!
Here’s my recording studio!

After working my brain out for an hour, I went for a good 4 mile run around the neighborhood, which is very challenging. Did great!
Rested a bit, then went in to the International Village. I finished handing out the medical cards to some of the apartment managers in the area. I still have a small pile of cards in Portuguese that I need to send to my partners in Marietta where there are SO many Brazilians!
Had fun working with the kids. That’s always a good time!

Ate at Torerros with Jesse, Ashley and Miles. Excellente! And great company too. We missed having Kathy there.

Admin work now.
Loved this rose!

And the moon!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:51 pm
Tim A. Cummins @ 8:31 am
Just got word that they found Mohosana this morning at 5:38am! THANK YOU for praying for her!
Getting ready to go to the doctor for my physical.
Pray for Kathy and me as we have some alone time with each other this weekend!
Tim A. Cummins @ 11:06 pm
This morning I went for a three mile run! Worked out on the elliptical treadmill.

Finished the three miles in right at 20 minutes. That’s mighty quick for me.
Also burned two more dvds of the wedding video of Katie and Tommy and mailed them to their parents.

Went to Walmart to pick up some things for Jesse.

Went to the mission to help the kids with their homework.

It was busy as always, but one of the moms came in with a panic look in her face. “Have you seen Mohosana?” I told her that I hadn’t but I’m sure she was around.
We thought that perhaps she’d gotten on the wrong bus. Then one of the mom’s said she saw her walking home from school.
That’s the last anyone has seen her. Please pray that we will find Mohosana safe and sound. As you can imagine, it’s horrible for a parent to wonder if their child is ok.
The whole Bengali community is very worried.

Here’s a picture of Mohosana and me from last week at the mission.

Came home at about 11pm. K and felt there was nothing more we could do.
I’m planning on my annual physical tomorrow morning. Can’t say I’m looking forward to it, but it’s necessary!
Always been one of my favorite flags!

Are you smarter than a 4th grader?

K and I are planning a long weekend away from town after work tomorrow. We’re headed to the beach. Mohosana being lost is a crappy way to start a vacation.