Tim A. Cummins @ 11:21 pm
This morning I worked on a new podcast!

One of my favorite things to do! It’s a special Halloween edition of Verbal Surgery! Scary FEAR! How do you deal with fear and get rid of it? Listen! Just click on the title!
I actually recorded TWO podcasts today! One of them released this morning. The next one will go live on Sunday! It’s a good one!
Take a listen to END Sight!

I moved all the plants inside today. Getting cold!

Kind of a scary look, eh?

I went to Walmart to shop and get candy for the kids this afternoon.

I liked this!

And this!

I enjoyed tossing candy to the kids at the mission.

I liked happy children!

And a happy family!

Went to First Baptist Atlanta for the Missions Conference this evening!

It was good to see supporters again!

I’m looking forward to going to England for a week! One of my best friends, Amit, is having his big engagement celebration on Saturday. I’ll be staying with another great friend Anthony. It’ll be fun!
I’ll be back to blogging on November 7th! Pray for my safe trip!
Jesse will be staying at our house to take care of Kathy for me!
Love you guys!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:59 pm
Worked on a lot of errands today!
Went by my doctor to get some sleeping medicine for my trip to England this week. I really want to rest on that long flight. Makes a HUGE difference in whether your jet lag is bad or not.

Biggest job was going by the bank. I mentioned that my office got broken into last weekend. The crook stole some deposit slips. Although the chance of that guy doing anything with that information was remote, why chance it?

So I had to set up a new account for Whirlwind Missions. Then had to transfer the majority of the money into the new account. When all the checks that we’ve written have cleared, we can transfer ALL the rest of the money and close out that old account number. What a hassle!
Picked up a few little toys for my friend’s daughter that I’m going to visit at Party City. I think she’ll like the stuff I got!

Also went by ATT to get some international time so I can use my phone in the UK. Having communications makes a HUGE difference!
Went to the mission to help the kids with their homework!

Then over to First Baptist Atlanta to set up the missions display and eat at the banquet!

Always great to have Ashley with me!

COLD night in the ATL tonight! Supposed to get into the 30s. YOW!
Finish up my admin duties now.
Tim A. Cummins @ 10:56 pm
Jesse and I had a fun lunch with my two brothers Tito and Lester!

It was great to catch up with what’s going on in their lives and how AWESOME their children are!
Reminds me again of how PROUD I am of my sweet children too!
Had fun working with the kids at the mission. Ashley wasn’t there today, she’s not feeling well. Best thing to do for that is rest!

GREAT to see my friend Tabias! One of my original kids from the mission at Azalea!

I liked Angel’s costume!

Came home to work on admin duties.
Watched 1,000 Words, Eddie Murphy’s latest movie. Just ok.
Also finished up packing for my trip to England on Thursday. Can’t wait to see my friends there!
Looking forward to the missions conference at FBC Atlanta that starts tomorrow.
Beautiful sunset!

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:37 pm
Ashley and I had an early morning today!

She was rocking the patriotic hat look!

We went to the Missions Fair at Perimeter Church, one of my favorite partners!

My friend Drue Warner was the MC!

We had fun visiting with the church members.

Went to Thai for lunch. Beautiful presentation!

Our Pastor at FBC Doraville called to let me know that our offices had been broken into last night. They stole my Kenyan knife and some deposit slips for Whirlwind Missions. I doubt they want to put money in!
My most precious curios they had no idea the value of and left them there. Whew! They’re at home now for me to enjoy.
Came home to rest and finish admin duties.
Looking forward to watching a movie with K and J!
Beautiful morning today!

Beautiful adelia! That was my grandmother’s name!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:17 pm
Worked on taking care of admin and house duties today!
I’ve had problems with the batteries for my chopper. I’ve been in a conversation with the people at Parrot.com. They let me know how to return my batteries and charger today. I got them in the mail to them!
Ate lunch with Kathy. Always fun!
Then went to Walmart to take care of grocery shopping.

Worked on cleaning the fish tanks. How many little fish can you see?

Enjoyed a restful afternoon.
Picked up Kathy at Stone Mountain on her bike in her van. She went a long way!
Enjoyed watching a movie in Italian tonight. “That Beautiful Thing!” Interesting.
Finishing up admin duties now!
Beautiful sunset. Like the road was on fire!

Tim A. Cummins @ 12:42 am
Woke up with my ears feeling kind of stopped up. Talked to my doctor about whether I need to get on meds or not. I’ll go in Saturday for her to check me out.
I thought I had a lunch appointment today. Some kind of miscommunication I guess. It didn’t happen. Part of the problem is that when I got my new phone it merged some of the contacts. That’s not good. I’ve also seen that it dropped some of my appointments from my calendar. That’s REALLY not good. Just hope it all works out and I don’t miss something!
I enjoyed going to eat Indian food with Ashley and Jesse.

We talked a lot about the mission teams coming. Always fun to think about.
Went home to work on my November edition of the newsletter. Got it written and laid out and sent it to our friend Joel Harrison at the Atlanta Metro Baptist Association to print for us. THANKS!
Went to the mission to help the kids with their homework. The projects are really coming together. I had to go Hobby Lobby to pick up some supplies for some of the kids. I sure thought we had enough for everybody. I saw this while I was there. I’m a chapstick addict. (Actually Burt’s Bees.)

I had to paint the foam balls I bought today.

They’re doing a great job!

Jhoan finished up the Berlin Wall project. I think he did a really good job on it!

Came home to run. Did a personal best for longest distance. Ran 6.82 miles in 1:24. Pretty quick for an old guy!
Enjoyed watching TV with Kathy. One of our new favorite shows is making the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders. Stuff looks really hard to do!
Looking forward to riding bikes with K tomorrow. She’s going out of town for the weekend with her sisters. I have to stay in town. I have a conference at Perimeter Church I have responsibility for. Sometimes it’s good for the sisters to get together!
This is what happens to bad backseat drivers. Fatso is my haloween decoration.

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:23 pm
Tim A. Cummins @ 10:45 pm
Took care of a lot of errands this morning!
Worked on a new hypnosis video to help people to get to sleep. If you have a problem sleeping, check it out!
Went by the Post Office to pick up stamps for the newsletter this month. They’re frm the Civil War. Many of the kids are studying that now. I always try to make the stamps be educational.

Also put gas in the car. GLAD to see the prices coming down!

Took my car over to T&G to have them check out the engine light that came on. It’s a sensor problem that they’ve looked at many times. Crazy computer. Probably runs Windows. Warning light is off now!

Did the grocery shopping for the week and picked up some supplies for the mission. Also picked up a cake and numbers for Jesse’s party at the mission tomorrow!

Printed out the labels for the mail out. The kids are always good about helping.

Did some banking. I love it that I can use the ATM for almost ALL my banking needs!

Worked on the 5th grade 3D cell project. Glad Ashley and Jesse were there to help too! They cut and prepped the little foam globes for the kids to use.

Helped kids with their homework.

I went to the store to get some foam boards and cut them for the kids to mount their projects on and and put a key to the parts of the cell on it.
Gave them doughnuts to say THANKS!

Sugar enjoys all the attention. Sadly, some of the children are really scared of her. 99% of them LOVE that little dog and get great pleasure of walking her around the complex. But a couple are scared so we hardly ever bring her down there.

I gave Ms. Penny a new computer. She’s been a huge help at the mission!

Enjoyed working out on weights this afternoon.
Watched a couple of episodes of the Mentalist with Kathy this evening. We had fun talking about the refugee kids she works with. She’s really great with them!
Admin duties now.
I thought the clouds today were amazing!

Beautiful sunset!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:24 pm
Had a fun morning teaching a language pattern class to my friend Richard and Jesse. I always enjoy learning more about how to motivate people!
J and I had a great lunch at El Toreros, then came home to rest.
Met up with Ashley at Azalea. Kathy came too!

The kids don’t have a lot of homework going on right now because they’re doing testing.

We’ll be working on a cell project with the 5th graders. I look forward to helping them with that as well as relearning the basics of the cells.
It’s Jesse’s birthday this Wednesday! Double Deuce!

Came home about 8pm and went out for a 5.33 mile run. Cool outside!
Enjoyed watching the Mentalist marathon with Kathy. My favorite show!