Tim A. Cummins @ 10:33 pm
Tim A. Cummins @ 8:42 pm
Got up early this morning and cleaned the fish tanks at our house.

Also gave myself a haircut. Groovy!

And cleaned the tub!
Worked on editing the video I shot for Sharon Baptist Church. The file had a problem. I’m having to redo it. Also burned a disk for the team.

After a fun lunch with Jesse, we went to Azalea to work with the kids.

I helped Jhan with his book report and Sanjida and Rashawn with their project for math.
Went to my office to get some binders for the kids.

I saw the original Whirlwind Missions sign there.

Enjoyed Taco Veloz with Ashley and Jesse this evening.

Admin duties now.
Looking forward to spending time with K!
I liked this robot drawing.

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:08 pm
Worked on admin duties this morning.

Setting up the big Christmas party for the kids at the mission with a team from Perimeter Church. Sounds like fun. I’m glad Ashley is helping organize it!

She also got the Christmas newsletter in the mail. Go Team Ashley!
Ate lunch with K and J. Noticed that Cici’s was closed when we went by. Shocked by that!

Went to the mission with Jesse. The kids didn’t have a lot of work. Mainly just spent time visiting with them.

Adnon told me he’s moving to New York on Saturday. I’ll miss him.

Admin duties to finish up the evening.
Tim A. Cummins @ 11:22 pm
Worked on a new podcast today! Been over a week since I’ve recorded anything. This is a good one! Check out “Cactus!” Ever have people that really irritate you? Modify their behavior! Cactus will help!
Wrote my newsletter, produced the two pages and sent them to our friend Joel Harrison with the Atlanta Metro Baptist Association. We appreciate AMBA printing our newsletter for us.
At the mission the kids help us put stickers on the envelopes.

And on themselves.

Helped the kids with their homework.

Then we have a doughnut party. We give doughnuts to all the kids, not just the ones that help. ALL the kids want to help, but we don’t have enough room to accommodate them.

Went shopping.

Trying to eat healthy.
Post Office for stamps.
To the mission to work with the kids!

Beautiful clouds.

And sunset.

Back home for admin duties and rest.
Tim A. Cummins @ 10:27 pm
Tim A. Cummins @ 9:10 pm
I had a restful morning.

Helped Kathy move some things around in the house for the party Thursday. Looking forward to having a good family group.
Feeling better this morning.
This afternoon I enjoyed flying my drone around in the yard with Jesse. He’s got a good eye for controlling it.
It’s beautiful in our neighborhood.

Went to the movie theater to see the Life of Pi. I enjoyed it.

Stunning visuals especially in 3D. Was kind of slow in parts.
Home now to rest and finish admin duties.
See anything unusual in this photo?

I loved the way the sun lit up these clouds.

Oh, yeah!

Sugar got a bath.

I liked the 3D shadow effect.

I liked the neon at the movie theater.