Tim A. Cummins @ 10:59 pm
Tim A. Cummins @ 12:41 am
Tim A. Cummins @ 11:58 pm
Had a productive morning. Finished compressing and uploading the video that Ashley shot last weekend. Looks and sounds good!

I ate lunch with two new friends, Ricky Bowman and Jack Larson.

They’re interested in doing work at Forest Vale, an apartment complex in Norcross.

We met with the management at the complex. They were excited about us coming.

Prayed over the complex with them, then left to to meet up with Ashley at the ATT store.

Her iPhone was really acting whack. Fortunately, we were able to upgrade a couple of weeks early on her plan. So they’ll be sending her a new iPhone 5.
Finished ordering the phone and went to the mission to help the kids. Kept us busy!
Back home now to work on admin duties.
K and I watched “A Royal Affair” about the King of Denmark in the late 1700s. Pretty interesting!
I liked this sticker!

This was different.

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:09 am
The video from the conference that Ashley spoke at last weekend is on line!
You’ll enjoy listening to one of my favorite missionaries: ASHLEY!
Tim A. Cummins @ 11:28 pm
Tim A. Cummins @ 10:05 pm
Kathy and Ashley got back safely this afternoon! GREAT!
Made a bunch of phone calls this morning. I’m always setting up stuff.

Got gas. Good price.

Picked up this shirt at Goodwill. I turned 20 in the Masai Mara.

Saw this in a store by Goodwill. I used to love my IBM Selectric.

Helped the kids at the mission.

I liked this.

This is outside the mission. I’m not sure what it means.

The kids stacked up some wood like a fort.

Picked up some groceries at Walmart. I saw some friends of mine there.

I mix my own bird see for zero waste.

Had supper with Kathy and Jesse.
Admin duties now.
Nearly a full moon.

This surprised me.

Tim A. Cummins @ 4:52 pm
Worked in the yard today. Mowed our property which is about a half acre. Just looks brown now.
I did several hours. My yard is almost exactly 1/2 acre.

Picked up a lot of sticks. Jesse and I are going to try a mushroom kit project with the cut up tree.

Here’s what the gate looks like after getting hit by a tree.

Did my front yard too.

Enjoyed lunch with Jesse. A new place we found on Yelp. Really good.

Painted my shoes white.
Admin duties and rest now.
I think St. Francis likes my flowers.


I like this.

Cool license plate. Gandhi was driving pretty fast.

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:30 pm
Took care of paying bills.
Enjoyed a Red Robin hamburger with J!

Always fun to hang out with Jesse.
Also went by Barnes and Noble. I enjoyed reading more about the Machu Pichu area in Peru.

I’m figuring out how much it’ll cost to get there (I think around $600.) and cost per night (Lonely Planet guide said $55-100/day should cover food and lodging.) A lot of the fun for me is thinking about the logistics and planning out the days, at least in broad strokes.
Downloaded the second part of Enders Game on audi
Came home to just beautiful weather. Went for a 4.27 mile run. Felt good!

I ran, listened to a Jack Reacher novel and bounced a Lacrosse ball from one hand to the other.
Beautiful flowers all around!

Interesting rain effects.

Came home to clean up and work on admin duties.
Still disappointed I couldn’t get the washing machine working before the girls got home. He may be able to fix it Monday morning. That could still work.
I think this big bone for Sugar is funny.

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:27 pm
Woke up to a dark, rainy day. Cooler too! Mid 50s!
Our girls are on the road again! Kathy and Ashley are speaking at a conference in Nashville, TN. GROOVY! But we miss them!
Worked on a podcast!

Check out “Weather Faith!”
J and I ate lunch at Waffle House.
Also picked up some dog food and a little treat for Sugar!

She was scared of it at first!

Went to see Oblivion with J. I liked it ok. Little slow at parts. Interesting twist.

Admin duties now.
I liked the clouds.