Tim A. Cummins @ 2:47 pm
He’s not dead. He is RISEN! Amen!!

About an 1/8″ or rain last night!

Finished up editing the video for Peachtree Corners Baptist Church.

Uploaded, burned DVDs and got them packaged up and ready to mail for Monday morning!
Kathy, Jesse and I went to Clarkston International Bible Church this morning.

Pastor Phil spoke on the resurrection and the importance of not being a doubting Thomas!

Kathy loves her little children!

Always cool to see gold, Sunday shoes!

We caught up with Ashley and Miles after the service. They’re looking great!

Miles got his new computer with the money back from the government!

Over to Madina for lunch. It’s always a treat for me because I get to speak Swahili! Groovy!
Home now to work on admin duties and rest before the teams start again tomorrow!
Mixed up sugar water for my hummingbirds! Looking forward to seeing my little friends soon!

I liked these decorations at church.

Dig the names!

Pretty little flowers!

This seemed a little odd to me. What’s HE got to repent?

Tim A. Cummins @ 5:42 pm
It sure has been a GOOD Friday! PTL!

I recorded one of my best podcasts ever today! In fact it’s called “Best Day EVER! Click on the title and ENJOY!!
I worked on editing the video that I shot for my three teams in town last week.

I have to edit, compress then upload it to YouTube.
Then I burn a DVD for them.
And put that into the mail with a thank you note!

I also email them with a list of the locations on line for their video that I shot as well as the pictures that Ashley and I put on line. Normally, that’s in the hundreds!!

It all takes a lot of time, but I think it’s worth it! It’s all about customer service, baby!
Ate lunch with my sweet K today. I thought she looked like an Easter egg in her pink and lime green!

came home to rest and get a 2.25 mile run in!

Sweet ol’ Sugar Dawg came with me!

Admin duties now.
Looking forward to the three big Easter Outreach Events we’re hosting tomorrow!
Easter flowers in bloom and bud!

Tim A. Cummins @ 5:54 pm
I had a great morning today with my new friend Jonathan Long from Eagles Landing Baptist Church!

I shared with him about our ministry and took him around the International Village!
Went to Buford Highway Farmers Market.
Then to show him some of the missions where they’ll be working.
Had lunch at Plaza Fiesta! Always something cool to see.

Yeah, baby!

Said goodbye to Jono than over to Clarkston to catch up with my team from Strong Rock school. They worked with my sweet wife Kathy today in her ministry with Mommy and Me. Ashley was there too to add her awesome presence. I met with them at Madina where we had chai and enjoyed the talking about missions.

On my way home, I called my tire guys and asked them if they could figure out why my car was still pulling to the left. Goodyear charged me for an alignment which didn’t work at all.

Greg at East Stone Mountain Tire and Battery did a wonderful job! Turns out that all they had to do to fix the problem was put the rear tires onto the front! Runs like an arrow now. What a relief.
Then went back to Goodyear to tell them how they had messed up and that I was firing them. I said it nicely, but . . .
Got back to my house in anticipation of my tree guys cutting up the big tree that had fallen.

In a few years this will be dirt!

I decided that it was best to cut it up into small pieces called “coins” and put them in the hole that I’m trying to fill up. Two stones, one bird!
Admin duties now and rest. Today marks 33 days in a row without a day off! Yow!
Just in case you forgot. . .

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:28 pm
Tim A. Cummins @ 10:05 pm
Went over to pay for my car this morning. Over $400. Yow!
Then to FBC Doraville to brief the kids on Islam and Hinduism.
From there we went to Al Madina to check out the Islamic library they have and to meet with Abdul, my Muslim friend.

Finished off the morning at Global Mall to check out the Hindu temple. Always interesting!

Lunch at FBC Doraville and also to work on the Bags of Love project.

The kids decorated the bags, wrote some Spanish scriptures on them and put some candy in them for the residents at the apartment complexes.
It was great to have our team from Strong Rock Christian School serving with us today too!

Ashley and I visited the teams at the complexes. Sad to see our team from Fellowship Bible Church leave. They’ve been a wonderful group!
Also checked on the Journey Church team. They’ve been a great group of middle schoolers. Exceptionally great attitude, especially considering the near freezing temperatures!

Ash and I helped the kids with their homework. GREAT to have Kathy and Jesse to pitch in today!

That let me leave a bit early so I can work on my newsletter and get the labels done.
Admin duties now. Man, I’m pooped. I think this is 30 days in a row without a rest day. Ouch.
Tim A. Cummins @ 10:25 pm
Tim A. Cummins @ 9:46 pm
Over 2″ or rain yesterday!

Had a great time with my teams from Fellowship Bible Church and FBC Jonesboro today!
Met up with the Fellowship team at Global Mall!

I took them to the Indian grocery store as well as to the Hindu temple.

They enjoyed seeing the Indian fashions!

Next stop was to Madina to learn more about Islam and enjoy some Middle Eastern food!

I always enjoy seeing my friend Ali!

Best part of the day is always working with the children at the missions!

Land HO!

Today is our last day with our team from FBC Jonesboro! Sad to see them go. They did a wonderful job!
My car ran really rough today. Engine light came on several times. Weirdly enough it ran fine on the way home. Still, I thought it was best to drop it off with my mechanics.

Admin duties now.
Enjoying watching Downton Abbey with K this evening.
I saw this sign at the Hindu temple. Made me wonder why we don’t do credit cards at church.

I prefer to be an ultimate driver.


I liked the sound of “Inner Engineering.”

What more can you ask?