Tim A. Cummins @ 8:54 pm
Had an especially productive day!
Started out with cleaning the fish tank.

The big tree fell this morning. Bam!

Then to shopping!

Ate a quick lunch, then met up with Ashley to go to Lawrenceville to put the final touches on the outreach for this weekend with 12 Stone.
We enjoyed seeing Danny Mejia who is one of the 12 Stone leaders. Took him to Alexander Mill to introduce him to the management and show him where the group would be working.

Then all the way over to the other side of the Metroplex to Roswell!
We stopped at an antique store before going to the church. I thought this picture was funny!

I liked Ashley in these hats.

We always enjoy the Missions Conference at Roswell United Methodist Church!

They’ve been great partners over the years and recently have really accelerated their work in the Hispanic community!

Beautiful sunset on the way home!

Admin duties now and rest!
Rivers of air in the sky!

They ran into him while reading the sign.

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:21 pm
Had another 1 1/2″ of rain yesterday. Excellent!

Worked on email the morning. Got a call from Hattiesburg, MS and from Cumming, GA! Looking forward to working with those two teams! Glad Ashley is there to handle the logistics with the teams. She has wonderful people skills!
Went to the Post Office to get stamps for the newsletter.

Worked on my newsletter. Wrote it, produced and emailed it to my partner who prints it for us. It’s a good one!
Also helped Ashley and Jesse get the new www.teamwhirlwind.com site rolling.

Actually, Jesse did the tech stuff and Ash did the layout, and I made witty comments and said “Good work!”
Then over to Azalea to help with the homework. Not much going on today. The kids helped us do the labels.

We were glad Josh was there to help!

Bought everyone doughnuts. Whether they help or not doesn’t matter, they all get goodies!

Had a nice visit with Ernest! He’s from my original youth group from 1996! He’s doing tech support now. Wonderful young man!

Dropped by Plaza Fiesta to pick up some pants that Jesse was getting repaired. I couldn’t believe this underwear I saw there!

Then back home to finish up my admin duties.
Enjoy watching some TV with K!
I find beauty everywhere I look!

Especially sunsets!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:56 pm
Had a fun lunch with my family today!

Came home to work on the new www.teamwhirlwind.com site with Ashley and Jesse.
Recorded a new podcast! I always enjoy that!

Then over to the mission to work with the kids!

Had supper with Ashley and Jesse. She liked the corn I bought her.

Devil Shrimp?

Then home for admin duties and to enjoy talking with Kathy!
Had a big tree in our back yard start to fall. Looks like it’s going to hit one of our fences eventurally.

Tim A. Cummins @ 1:23 am
Been rainy around Stone Mountain. Nearly 2″!

Took care of writing checks for bills.

Had fun recording a new podcast this morning! “Deep End Thought!” Perhaps my best effort EVER!. Check it out!

Enjoyed a good lunch with Jesse and Kathy in Lawrenceville.
Resting this afternoon. Great weather for that!
Had a good talk with my Mom this afternoon. I purchased the gene test for both of my parents. The kits are heading to Texas. I’m looking forward to knowing even more about our family history. I think that in the future having the genetic code of my parents, Kathy and me will help OUR kids and their children know what to look out for. PLUS I think it’s interesting to think about where my ancestors came from.
If YOU are interested in having your genetic code researched, I’ve found the best deal is with www.23andme.com. Currently they have a special for $99/person. I think that’s amazingly cheap to have that genetic database!
Looking forward to hanging out with my family this evening.
I thought this sticker was funny.

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:01 pm
Had a fun day with Jesse today!
We enjoyed lunch and a great conversation.

Then went to the Post Office.

I needed to mail some more prayer cards to my Mom in Texas. She’s speaking at a conference about NAMB, and of course our ministry will come up!
Been working on the new website for Whirlwind Missions. We came to the decision that it’s best to keep the original www.whirlwindmissions.org site intact and create a new site: www.whirlwindmissions.com. That site will be dedicated to JUST working with the teams. The main site is absolutely gigantic. It contains most of what I’ve created over the years, which is a LOT. Most folks that look at the site are just concerned about the Team information. So it makes more site to revamp and streamline that end rather than reinvent the whole site. I feel good about that!
We also started thinking more strategically about how to host more teams. I realized that it’s the churches with the biggest youth groups that have the hardest time finding places to work. Can you imagine a group of over 100 kids serving at one place? It takes an organization with an infrastructure as large as ours to handle that kind of group. So I googled the largest churches in America and we’ll start with them.
I’m enjoying a quiet evening with Kathy! Just watched the latest Castle. Yow! What a nail biter!
I taught her how to run the TV clicker! Now THAT’S a challenge!

Admin duties now.
Tim A. Cummins @ 11:17 pm
Tim A. Cummins @ 12:25 am
I was supposed to have a meeting with my partner from the YMCA this morning. He had a family emergency, so we’ll have to reschedule.
Went to Walmart instead to do the grocery shopping.

Bought a new microwave. Our old one (only a couple of years old!) started smoking last night! Yow!

We had a good lunch together with my family, then worked on new themes for the www.whirlwindmissions.org web site. I think we made great progress.

Then over to Azalea to help the kids with their homework.

Had a good conversation with my partners at 12 Stone church about some outreach we’re doing in March. Good to see progress on that!
Jesse and I went to Office Depot to pick up some supplies for the mission.

Came home to work on admin duties.
Enjoyed watching Touch Season 1 with K and J.
Set up Audible on my iPhone. Looking forward to listening to books over my phone. Excellent!
First full day with my camera. Here are my first pictures of one of my favorite subjects. Can’t believe how wide this lens is!

Just one reason why Americans are overweight.

Tim A. Cummins @ 12:59 am