Whirlwind Missions

Friday, March 29, 2013

Good Friday! Edit! Run!

Tim A. Cummins @ 5:42 pm  

It sure has been a GOOD Friday! PTL!
I recorded one of my best podcasts ever today! In fact it’s called “Best Day EVER! Click on the title and ENJOY!!

I worked on editing the video that I shot for my three teams in town last week.

I have to edit, compress then upload it to YouTube.

Then I burn a DVD for them.

And put that into the mail with a thank you note!

I also email them with a list of the locations on line for their video that I shot as well as the pictures that Ashley and I put on line. Normally, that’s in the hundreds!!
It all takes a lot of time, but I think it’s worth it! It’s all about customer service, baby!

Ate lunch with my sweet K today. I thought she looked like an Easter egg in her pink and lime green!

came home to rest and get a 2.25 mile run in!
Sweet ol’ Sugar Dawg came with me!

Admin duties now.

Looking forward to the three big Easter Outreach Events we’re hosting tomorrow!

Easter flowers in bloom and bud!