Tim A. Cummins @ 10:04 pm
I had a great time with my team from Fountain City this morning. Ashley didn’t feel well so I did the briefing solo. Missed my partner!

Took them to the Buford Highway Farmers Market. Always fun!

I took care of some errands at Wal-Mart. I’m still buying odds and ends for the Team Time in the morning.
Rained a LOT today. Usually it’s been raining real hard, but not for very long. This seemed like much larger areas of rainy weather.
Jesse and I enjoyed Bubble Juggling this evening.
Admin duties now.
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Tim A. Cummins @ 8:21 pm
Ashley and I met up with our team from FBC Powell today. We were supposed to see them at 10am, but we had some crossed signals. Everything worked out great!

We went to Huntington Ridge to sign the new lease.

And to Forest Vale to check out a new building they’re giving us to work out of.
Then to Sandy Springs to check on our team.

Folded our newsletters. Ashley got them in the mail.

We look forward to having time with them in the morning.
Admin duties now.
I enjoyed practicing “Bubble Juggling” while we waited for the team this morning.

Taking bumper stickers to a whole new level.

Not sure about this look.


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Tim A. Cummins @ 5:24 pm
Ashley and I enjoyed giving our final briefing to our team from Alabama this morning!

We used our new projector and screen to show them a video on the Shroud of Turin.

We had our commitment service. It’s always a highlight of the week. The team passes the baton and says, “He’s counting on ME.”

Then they sign the Landing Pad!

I did some “Bubble Juggling” and explained how sensitive people are and we need to be careful how we talk to them.

Pictures with the Sublime Blue Mariachi Hat!

On to Plaza Fiesta for lunch and fun!

I went to Perimeter church to pick up backpacks for the kids before they back to school.

Also dropped off some supplies to one of our missions: Lake Colony. They were happy to get them!

Over to Azalea to get our labels for the newsletters put on.

Then back to FBC Doraville to check on some equipment we have set up there. Looking good!
Admin duties now. Need to do more editing. I’ve got all of it done except for the team that finished today. Right on schedule.
Glad to have the newsletter complete. Hopefully, we’ll have them printed up and get the team to help us fold them and put them in the envelopes. Excellent!
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Tim A. Cummins @ 10:01 pm
Kathy and I had a good time at FBC Mountain Park this morning. We especially enjoyed the music.

Sure looks different from Clarkston.
Worked on my newsletter this afternoon. Glad to have that mission accomplished! I also printed up all the labels.
Met up with my team from Alabama today! Checked on them at three locations where they have been working.

Home now for admin duties. Enjoyed watching Royal Pains with K.
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Tim A. Cummins @ 10:15 pm
Continued to edit and work on uploading videos of the teams in town.

Getting them in the mail!

Ashley and I enjoyed our first day with our team from Clements BC on Friday. We gave them our initial briefing and took them straight to the missions. Here’s part of my costume!

We did some singing this morning with the team. And running around!

This morning we met with our team and gave them our briefing on Buddhism.
Then took them to the Buford Highway Farmers Market AND to Asian Square.

Normally, we split that up into two days.

Had fun on safari with them.
Then on to the missions!

Went by Pet Smart to get a tag for Sugar.

Came home to work on admin duties.
Enjoyed blowing bubbles with Jesse this evening. I got a tank of helium and we’d shoot some gas into big bubbles and watch them float WAY up into the air. Super cool!
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Tim A. Cummins @ 10:52 am
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Tim A. Cummins @ 9:05 pm
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Tim A. Cummins @ 9:54 pm
Burned the dvd from the video of FBC Cheraw that I edited late last night. Always great when I get that in the mail.

I gave the briefing solo today. Ash worked with the group from Arkansas.
I enjoy this group a lot. They’re super fun.

Went on Safari to the Buford Highway Farmers market with the team. Always a hoot.

Then to the missions!

They’ve done a wonderful job.
Between assignments, Ashley and I gathered material for our presentations during our Team Time.
We also cleaned out or storage closet and organized our stuff for the briefing.

Ashley did a fantastic job!! Before.


I spent a lot of my time cleaning, painting and refurbishing the Whirlwind Simulator! Jesse and I worked on it together. It’s one of our finest productions.

I’ve also been doing research on getting the record for making the World’s Largest Bubble. J and I are taking existing technology and scaling it way up to see what the results might be. Very exciting! The current record is 105 cu. ft. That’s about the size of half a bus!
We want to launch them off the top of Stone Mountain! Yeah, baby!
I also went to Walmart to get some the the tools I’ll need. Hammer, pie plate, measuring cup, tongs, light and bulb. I went to a gas station near my office at FBC Doraville and got dry ice. I’m really looking forward to firing it up.
Always fun shopping with Ashley!

Admin duties now. I didn’t get home till after 9pm. Yow!
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Tim A. Cummins @ 10:05 pm
I edited video and burned a dvd this morning for my team from S. Carolina this morning.

I enjoyed briefing the team from FBC Cabot, AR!

I missed having my partner, Ashley there to help me! She covered our team from Mississisppi! This reminds me of her.

Then took them to Plaza Fiesta. What a great place!

Fun working with the kids at the missions!

Ashley and I are working on how we use the Fellowship Hall at FBC Doraville. We have some fun new ideas we’re looking forward on trying. I cleaned off some of my old display stuff. Missing some pieces which aggravates me. Not everything got back to our house after the fire in 2008.
Admin duties now.
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Tim A. Cummins @ 7:18 pm
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