Tim A. Cummins @ 9:59 pm
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Tim A. Cummins @ 8:43 pm
Did all my bills today.
Had a fun lunch with Kathy and Jesse. Jesse was really hungry. The hospital food wasn’t very good.
Did the grocery shopping.

Came home to rest then went to see 2 Guns. I really like Denzel and Mark but the movie was just ok.

Watched some baseball with Kathy at Mountain Park Park. Crazy name, right?
Admin duties now and time with K.
Cool mushrooms.

This sign reminded me of Jesse.

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Tim A. Cummins @ 11:58 pm
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Tim A. Cummins @ 5:18 pm
Kathy and I sent to First Baptist Church Doraville this morning. I was the guest speaker.

Fun group!

I dressed up.

Ate fish with K at Piccadilly.
Home now to rest and work on admin duties.
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Tim A. Cummins @ 7:36 pm
K and I had a fun time with the group from Christ Community Church.

They’ve come to help at Forest Dale. Excellent!

Went to Walgreens for our annual flu shot.

Came home to rest and prepare for my sermon tomorrow at FBC Doraville.
Also vacuumed the rooms.
And cleaned my fish tank. It’s still stirred up here.

Admin duties now.
Yeah, baby!

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Tim A. Cummins @ 8:55 pm
Had a fun “me” day today!

One of my favorite things: Podcast!

This a one of my best efforts.

It’s called “Super YOU Booster!” Just click on the title and become a better YOU!
I went to see Kick Ass 2 this afternoon. I thought it was pretty good. Kinda silly. I liked the fight scenes.

Ate at Hot and Cold Buffet. It was really tasty.
Came home to rest and enjoy watching shows with K.
Admin duties now.
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Tim A. Cummins @ 9:47 pm
Went for a 2.60 mile run this morning. Warmish. GREAT to see blue skies again!

Always something new and beautiful to see.

Looked like some car went off the road.

I saw this sign near Thai of Norcross where J and I went for lunch.

Also this little guy was about the size of my hand and very shy.

This morning Jesse and I went to Norcross to meet up with our partners in the area. We are planning on starting a mission at Forest Vale.
Then over to the mission to work with the kids! Always entertaining.

Tremendous thunderstorm and torrential rain at the mission. Of course some of the kids have the compulsion to run around in it.

Had supper at Pizza Cafe with K and J! Fun!
Admin duties now.

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Tim A. Cummins @ 11:13 pm
Can you believe it? MORE rain? We’ve had over 2″ in the last two days. Lots of thunder today too.

Wrote my newsletter for this month. Also printed up the labels for the envelopes.

Enjoyed lunch with Jesse and Kathy.
Our friends at the Atlanta Metro Baptist Association printed the newsletters for us. Thanks, Joel! The kids helped us put the labels on the letters.

Then we helped the kids with their homework.

I taught Adit how to use a ball pump.

Had fun watching the new episodes of Suits and Duck Dynasty with K.
Admin duties now.
Interesting stickers.

Everyone needs a pair of these.

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Tim A. Cummins @ 10:14 pm
This morning I worked some more on my life insurance policy. Got it all ready to send off.
Had lunch at Waffle House with J. Then spent about an hour with him practicing driving a manual transmission. He’s getting the hang of it!

Kathy had some problems with the van, so I helped her take it over to the mechanics. Found out that the battery wasn’t charging properly.
J and I met up with Ashley at the mission. BIG group of kids there this afternoon. Always fun.

Enjoyed supper with my kids this evening before going home and picking up the van so K can use it to drive to Clarkston tomorrow to work with the babies.
Had fun watching a recorded episode of Elementary and Duck Dynasty with Kathy this evening.
Admin duties now.
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Tim A. Cummins @ 11:36 pm
Had fun recording a new podcast!

Do you know what your dream job is? What would that look like? Not sure? Then check out my new recording of “Real Dreams!”

Click on the title and get with the program, baby!

Spent time today working on estimates for repairing Ashley’s car. Sadly, they were between $4,000-$6,000. Ouch. Her car had over 100,000 miles on her. All of the pros felt it wasn’t worth sinking that kind of money in her.
So we took her to the car graveyard.

Sad. But the main thing is that Ashley is OK! Cars come and go. It’s sad, but that’s just the way it is.
Enjoyed a fun meal with all my kids this evening at Cafe Istanbul. Great company. Awesome chilluns.

Watched Kardashians with K this evening. She had a great day with her refugee babies this morning. She’s happy about that!
Admin duties now.
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