Tim A. Cummins @ 11:33 pm
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Tim A. Cummins @ 10:19 pm
Finished the DVD project today for the Team Whirlwind promotion. Added the last scene then uploaded the video to You Tube. Now the job of burning all the dvds.

After you burn them, you have to check every copy.

Then put the labels on.

Here’s my work space.

Waited for lunch till Kathy came home from Columbia, SC. That was about 4pm. GREAT to have her home. I don’t like being in the house by myself. Paul and Luke liked the t shirts.

Admin duties now.
K is resting. Long trip!
I thought the clouds looked cool through the sun filter.

We need more gentle selling.

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Tim A. Cummins @ 9:02 pm
Had a fun day today. I miss Kathy. She’s with her brothers and sister visiting her Uncle Jack.
Ate at Red Robin. A definite Food Fav of mine.

I read this article from Wired magazine.

Enjoyed a Chai Latte at Barnes and Noble.

It’s all about the cardamom.
Met up with Jesse at the movie theater to see Wolverine.

We really liked it. Interesting to see a super hero vulnerable.
Ate Chinese food before coming home. Beautiful sunset!

Admin duties now.
I’m still burning dvds. I’ve made about 25 so far.
The pressure they put on little kids.

What does this sign mean?

I like the sound of this.

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Tim A. Cummins @ 6:55 pm
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Tim A. Cummins @ 8:20 pm
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Tim A. Cummins @ 7:49 pm
Rainy day today!

Cleaned and refilled my hummingbird feeders. It’s a really important time for them as they stock up on nectar before flying back to Mexico and Texas! That’s a LONG way for a little bird!

Worked on my shoes.

Painted them last night with white spray shoe paint. Today I used the hot glue gun to glue back where some of the rubber in the front was coming apart.
Enjoyed a fun day with Ashley!

She came to get me and we went to Marietta to check on a possible car she wanted.
Ate delicious Brazilian food at Sabor do Brazil.
The dealer said that the car would be ready about three hours later than he said it’d be ready. So we decided to walk around the square in Marietta—one of my favorites!
They have a great antique store there. I always find something interesting to look at.
3d camera!

I found this at a British store on the square.

This at the magic store near by.

We’ll Hello there!

I thought this was funny.


Went to the WEEGO dealer in Marietta to pick up the Jeep and take it to the mechanics for a look over. After about an hour, the verdict was in.

He thought we should pass on the car. Particularly because it had a transmission issue. Kind of sad. We were hoping to get the new car figured out today.
Took so long with the car plus the bad weather that we didn’t go to Azalea today. When it’s rainy, there usually aren’t nearly as many kids.
Admin duties now.
When I got home my neighbor asked me why she should have foam on her roof. Weird.

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Tim A. Cummins @ 12:12 am
Wrote and produced my two pages of the newsletter this morning.

Also printed out the labels so the kids could help.

Enjoyed lunch with K and Ashley!

I thought this cake was beautiful.

Worked at the mission with the kids.

Some kids get a little carried away with the labels.

Admin duties now. K and I enjoyed watching Duck Dynasty on DVR.

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Tim A. Cummins @ 9:12 pm
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Tim A. Cummins @ 4:43 pm
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Tim A. Cummins @ 10:49 pm
Had fun recording a new podcast this morning!

Ever get something stuck in your head? Just goes around and around? Lots of times is stuff we’re worried about. Ready to get off that merry go round? Then click on “Mental Floss!”
After recording I went for a brisk 5.39 mile run. Always something interesting to see.

I wonder what caused this pattern on the sidewalk.

Ate lunch. Deposited a check at the bank. Then went home to rest.
Worked on editing the promo video for Whirlwind Missions.

After I edit the piece, I send it to dropbox.com then Ashley can download it.

Mission with the kids was wild. LOTS of kids and some of them are really super loud. Still fun.

They had to write something about bullying. Here’s the illustration.

Ate supper with Jesse. Always good.

Then home for admin duties.
Watched the Mentalist with Kathy.

Full moon!

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