Tim A. Cummins @ 9:07 pm
I had a fun time giving my final briefing for the FBC Hattiesburg team!
Sadly, I didn’t have my partner with me. Ashley was giving the initial briefing to the two new teams from Gateway and Silverdale! Gateway has been bringing their middle school team here for the last three years.
I gave Seth the Golden Egg of EGGcellence!

I always enjoy our passing the baton “It’s up to ME” tradition as well as signing the Landing Pad.

I took my team from Hattiesburg to Plaza Fiesta.

I said, “Adios” to those guys and met up with my team from Silverdale at the Buford Highway Farmers Market.
I took the team from Gateway over to Sandy Springs to work at some missions there.

We had a great time together.
Came home to work on admin duties. We have really been busy lately. I need to work on editing the videos from last week. I’ll start that tonight.
I bought this pair of Santa Muerta statues this morning for my birthday. I think they’re amazing.

Perhaps you can see my Venus Fly Traps in the background?
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Tim A. Cummins @ 11:23 pm
Ashley and I enjoyed briefing our team on Islam and Hinduism.

Then took them on a tour of Al Madina and Global Mall. Since today is Sunday, the Hindu temple had a service going on.

It’s Ramadan so there was no food being cooked at Al Madina. Bahd luck. I thought this light up mosque was cool.

Ashley, Miles and I ate at Global Mall. Veddy, veddy beautiful.
This car had just been blessed by one of the priests.

Then back to get the bus on sites at the missions.
We had a bus break down.

I spent most of the afternoon running the drivers around to get the supplies they needed or helping them getting it started. After several hours, we were able to get the bus back to the hotel parking lot where they bus company’s mechanic can take a look at it.

Ashley did a wonderful job of coordinating the two remaining buses to pick up and distribute three buses worth of kids. Yeah, Ashley!

The teams are doing great at the missions. I enjoyed working with our group from Carmel BC. They were awesome!

Ate Chinese food with Ashley and Miles for supper. Double blessing for me today!
Came home to rest. Enjoyed bubble juggling this evening.
Admin duties now.
This mushroom was at the hotel where the team was staying.

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Tim A. Cummins @ 10:11 pm
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Tim A. Cummins @ 10:43 pm
Ashley and I had fun briefing our team from Carmel BC on Islam and Hinduism today.

Did I mention I love my new globe?

Then took them to Al Madina to experience the Middle East.

They loved the schwarma.

Ramadan starts Saturday.
And to Global Mall–India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Visited the Shiv Mandir Hindu temple.

Then to the missions!

Ashley and I guided the big bus around to the missions. He has to know the route by himself because tomorrow we have three more big buses!
After checking on the teams, I went to Azalea to get the kids to help me with the labels. The summer will be over before we know it.

It was great to be there with them. Made me really miss hanging out with my kids.
After we completed the labels, I got doughnuts for the kids. They always love that!

Then the most complicated part of my day began. I had eight missions and had to figure out the route for a 55 foot bus. Difficult to take right turns and VERY difficult to turn around. So I went up a lot of streets looking for wide open areas that the bus could use. Really aren’t many of those, so decided to have him go back on 85. I’m having him make a couple of loops rather than retrace steps.
Finally got home around 9:30pm. Long day, Jack!
Admin duties now.
Got a lot of editing to do but too tired to do it.
Perhaps the biggest single team of the Summer starts tomorrow. About 160 people made up of families from Hattiesburg. Looking forward to that.
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Tim A. Cummins @ 11:52 pm
Ashley and I briefed our teams on Catholicism today.

We had our commencement service where we pass the baton and say, “It’s up to ME!”

Then they sign the Landing Pad!

The leaders liked the Golden Eggspectations eggs.

Over to Plaza Fiesta to explore its wonders.

I was given a Diet Coke with my name on it. Wow.
I mean out of all the names out there they gave that one to me. Pretty groovy.
Ashley and I then rushed back to the church to start work with a new team from Carmel Baptist Church. They seem to be a really great group!
After the briefing, we took them over to Asian Square. They loved it.
Then on to their first round of missions. We started to late to get more than one site in.

Ash and I shot pictures and video.
Went to Jesse’s house to put together the Mobi-cool and try it out with ice inside. It was astonishingly cool. I think that’s really going to work well to cool off a room.

Then back home to work on admin duties. Finally made it home after 9:00pm.
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Tim A. Cummins @ 10:10 pm
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Tim A. Cummins @ 8:56 pm
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Tim A. Cummins @ 11:32 pm
Ashley and I had a great time briefing the teams this morning!

I introduced them to my Aepyornis or Elephant Bird egg. It was around 10 foot tall and weighed over 800 pounds. They were killed out of Madagascar about 1,000 years ago.

After our time together, we took the to the Buford Highway Farmers Market!

Then to the missions!

Did some grocery shopping with Jesse on the way home.

Home now for admin duties.
Sent a letter to the tax commissioner. They forgot to put the sticker on the card they sent me. They’ll get it right next time. Maybe.

Gas prices have gone up about .20 in the last two weeks. YOW!

I just learned 89 names in just under an hour. I need to work on how I do the picture with the name tag so I can do it the most effectively.
Beautiful sunset!

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Tim A. Cummins @ 11:08 pm
Recorded a new podcast this morning!

Yeah, baby! Make sure that the voice inside your head is on your side. Check out “AutoPromo!” Just click on the title and groove!
Kathy and I enjoyed CIBC this morning.

Pastor Phil spoke on evangelism.

I love my church because of writing on the bulletin board like this.

K and I ate lunch at Kathmandu Grill and watched the World Cup.
Came home to rest.
Watched the USA vs. Portugal match. Great game.
Enjoyed watching the end of Capt. Phillips with Kathy this evening.
Need rest before the big group tomorrow.
This was a beautiful hibicus, until the squirrels ate it.

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Tim A. Cummins @ 4:58 pm
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