Tim A. Cummins @ 10:23 pm
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Tim A. Cummins @ 8:13 pm
Ashley and I had fun briefing our teams on Hinduism and Islam this morning!

Then on to Al Madina.
And Global Mall.

Ashley went to Athens to check on Anna and her horse Jimmy. It’s been a really big deal having Jimmy nearly die. I’m SO glad he’s ok now and Ashley got to visit him in the hospital!
Went to the missions to check on the teams!

Said my good byes to my team from Sharon BC.

Ate supper with Jesse. Always entertaining.
Then home to work on admin duties.
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Tim A. Cummins @ 9:33 pm
Ashley and I enjoyed giving our final set of briefings for Summer 2014. Never too much Ashley.

After our “Kazi ya Mungu” time where we studied Buddhism, we took them on safari to Asian Square.

Ate lunch at Penang Malasian food.
Then to the missions!
Ashley and I also took care of some banking.
Home to work on admin duties.
Enjoyed flying my AR Drone 2.0 this evening.
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Tim A. Cummins @ 10:39 pm
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Tim A. Cummins @ 9:21 pm
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Tim A. Cummins @ 9:13 pm
Ashley and I had a fun time briefing our team from Livingston, TN this morning!

Always fun!

Then on to the Buford Highway Farmers Market. Groovy!

Enjoyed eating at the market with Jesse and Kathy too! Miles even came along. Can’t believe I didn’t take a picture.
Got them on site to the missions. Went to Walmart to pick up some supplies for Ashley’s horse riding competition on Saturday. One the way out of the store, the escalator for the cart broke. I tried to run up the steps of the escalator going down. Normally, that wouldn’t be a problem. A lot harder in flip flops. Caught one of the stairs with my big toe and second toe. Bad gashes and probably cracked a bone in my second toe. I’ve had it on ice. No big deal.
Went back to check on the team. It’s an all girls team. They did a great job.

Came home to clean my foot (and the rest of my body). I soaked it in hydrogen peroxide, dried it off and put more antibiotic on the cuts.

I’ve had an ice pack on my foot to stop the swelling. Doesn’t feel too bad.
Admin duties now.
Working on the video of the second team.
Here’s the new camera and signage I put up at the church. Camera is a fake.

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Tim A. Cummins @ 5:37 pm
I’m enjoying making geometric shapes. I’m interested in what has the most powerful 3D effect and also could be easily replicable on a large scale at the beach.

Our teams started out the morning helping us separate and distribute evenly the school supplies into the back packs. It’s a lot of work. But quickly and easily done when you have 20 people to help!

We started out with “bubbleation!”

Ashley and I enjoyed briefing our team on Catholicism this morning.

We had our commitment service where we pass the baton and say, “It’s up to ME.”

Then sign the Landing Pad.

Went on safari to Plaza Fiesta.

Always fun!

Enjoyed lunch with Ashley and Jesse! The teams enjoyed the food court.

Always something interesting to see!

I bought a new picture of Jesus! I’m putting Him in the “High and Lifted Up” chair.

I’m trying to get the point across that Jesus is real and He’s right around us.
Went to the bank and Office Depot to deposit money and mail off some “Yeah, Baby” T-shirts. Then to the missions to check on and say goodbye to the teams! They were two great ones!
We start with a new team on Friday through Sunday. Then our last team of the Summer on Monday through Thursday. WOW! Summer is over. Hard to believe it!
Dropped by the Dollar Tree to pick up some packs of sidewalk chalk. Cheap and a lot of it.
Admin duties now.
I’ll start editing this evening.
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Tim A. Cummins @ 8:16 pm
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Tim A. Cummins @ 10:02 pm
Kathy let me know that the wiper had malfunctioned. Had to get it fixed on the way to work.

Enjoyed briefing the teams!

Then on to Asian Square.

Cobra in a jar.

Had a fun lunch at Penang. Enjoyed lunch with Jesse, too!

After the break in of three vehicles from our team last week, I purchased signs warning of video cameras and being recorded. Then this week I bought some dummy cameras to put around the parking lot.

In all the security project cost me less than $50.
Then to the missions!

We checked on a couple of groups, then went to Perimeter Church to pick up forty book bags. AMEN!

Back to the missions!

Came home to work on geometry.

I’m interested in the idea of doing large scale, geometric shapes in the sand when I go to Tybee in the Fall. You get the darker color by raking the sand.

I think it could be a lot of fun. I want to do the shapes where I can see them from my favorite seat on top of the lighthouse.
Flew my drone. Made bubbles. Had a fun evening. I’m a man of simple pleasures.
Admin duties now.
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Tim A. Cummins @ 8:20 pm
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