Tim A. Cummins @ 10:43 pm
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Tim A. Cummins @ 9:46 pm
Ashley and I went to speak to a Youth Director’s conference today at FBC Jonesboro.

We had an opportunity to talk about bringing teams to come work with us. We dressed up in our Indian outfits.
It was a good group and several showed interest in coming.

My car said it got hot today.

Ashley and I went to the Buford Highway Farmers Market to buy a variety of taste treats to make a goodie basket. Went to the Post Office to mail the gift to Larry Lawrence, the leader of the conference. I think people appreciate that.
I didn’t put these items in the box.

I did like the sound of these.

Enjoyed working with the kids at the mission.

Today Nur had hard homework that I really had to think about. It’s good for me. Freshman math. Then Minhaz brought in something from his engineering class on converting binary to decimals. 10011001–any idea what that would be in base 10, which is what we normally count in? The eight digit string of 0s and 1s is binary. It was hard to figure out, but the internet cleared it up for me in less than ten minutes. Living in the future, baby!
Ashley and I met up with Jesse, Kathy and Miles at El Torero for Mexican food. Always fun!

Admin duties now.
I liked the moss on this curb.


Beautiful crescent moon. With the sunset just to the right of it. Believe it or not, the camera makes a better picture if you shoot the moon with a flash.

Isn’t the blue streak cool?
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Tim A. Cummins @ 9:18 pm
I worked around my house this morning.
It’s my parent’s anniversary today. I enjoyed talking with them!

Went through all my email and messages.
Cleaned the fish tank.

Did the grocery shopping.
Took my Venus Fly Traps outside for some sun.

Then went to Piedmont Hospital to be a support to Ian and Ruthie North and their new little baby Jack! I took pictures to help my find my car.

I waited in the Antepartum room.

Happy Dad!

Mom is doing great!

Never a sign I want in any room I’m staying in.

Went by Azalea to check on the kids. Ashley and Jesse and just finished. Ate supper with Jesse.
Kathy’s not feeling well this evening. She said she was nauseated.
Admin duties now.
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Tim A. Cummins @ 10:53 pm
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Tim A. Cummins @ 10:52 pm
Well, hello there!
Printed out the labels for the newsletters.

Still need to get the stamps.
Had a great time with my friend Chip Sweeney today! We enjoyed Plaza Fiesta with Ashley!

Ashley and I recorded the order and notes from the briefing.

Enjoyed working at the mission with the kids.

Brandon is starting to get the hang of the 2 times table.

Enjoyed El Torerro with Kathy and Jesse this evening.
Got to see the International Space Station. Super cool. It’s the third time I’ve seen it.
Admin duties now.
My toe is healing nicely. It’s about 1/8″ of scar tissue. Still really hurts if I stub it on something.

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Tim A. Cummins @ 11:20 pm
Kathy and I enjoyed going to Westside Baptist Church this morning!

Always great to see my friend Ben Lehman. He’s one of my very favorite pastors!

It was a special Sunday because they were almost ready to retire the note of the money they borrowed to build the education building and gym.
A special prayer time at the altar.

Came home to rest and work on the newsletter for this month.

Enjoyed seeing Guardians of the Galaxy again in 3D! Great movie!

Enjoyed watching Mandela this evening with Kathy.
Admin duties now.
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Tim A. Cummins @ 6:19 pm
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Tim A. Cummins @ 11:08 pm
Fun time this morning!

Recorded a new podcast!

Are you a good multitasker? Did you know that that’s not really possible? We can only focus on one thing at a time well. Gain more focus with Mrs. Direction. Just click on the title and groove!
Met up with Ashley for lunch at Perimeter Mall.

Just up the street from Dunwoody Baptist Church, which was our first assignment.

GREAT to see my good friend Mark Paul.

He’s hilarious.
They have a lot going on there.

Then to Peachtree Corners Baptist Church.

They have supported my ministry for over 17 years. We’re working on mobilizing more of them.
Also enjoyed visiting with my friends Debra and Jacquie at Perimeter Church. Two more wonderful partners!

Always great to have more time with Ashley. Thursday is my favorite day of the week. That’s when we do church recon in different areas.
Worked with the kids at the mission. Always fun and interesting. It’s rewarding to help kids that WANT to be helped.

Enjoyed watching Royal Pains with Kathy this evening.
Admin duties now.
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Tim A. Cummins @ 9:06 pm
More than a 1/4″ of rain yesterday. Always good.

Had a restful morning until I ran. Pretty warm outside. Heat Index was 102 because of the extraordinary humidity. Still beautiful! 5.07 miles.

The crepe myrtle has been spectacular this year.

These reminded me of waterfalls.

Very different type of pine cone from the ones near my house.

Came home. Cooled off. Ate a sandwich. Then off to the mission! Man, the place has been busy. My wife has said that I “tolerate chaos better than anyone I know.” I will literally be dealing with six children all of them asking me questions at the same time. I feel like Google.

Enjoyed a fun supper with Ian and Ruthie North and Jesse!

Brookhaven has a food truck Wednesdays. We ate at Ibizas and got coconut chicken. I liked it.
Came home to work on admin duties. Always something.
Downloaded a new book on Audible. Ready Player One. Jesse really liked it so I’m really looking forward to it.
I like the sound of this.

Order up!

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Tim A. Cummins @ 10:17 pm
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