Whirlwind Missions

Monday, August 11, 2014

Burn! Post! Mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:09 pm  

Over 2″ of rain this weekend. Wow!

Started early this morning burning DVDs of our promotional video that Ashley and I did last year. Thankfully, the content is still current!
We’ll be going to a youth pastors conference in Jonesboro in a couple of weeks. We’re getting 75 packets together for each of the leaders.

It’s not hard burning the disks, but it takes a lot of babysitting. Every five minutes, I have to click a few buttons and load a fresh dvd.
Posted some creative writing to my twitter feed.

Downloaded a new book on Audible.
Went for a 5.05 mile run. I didn’t expect to go nearly that far since my foot is still hurt. Weirdly, it was more comfortable to run than to walk. Different pressure on the balls of my feet. Beautiful outside. Not too hot.
I liked what they did to protect the river from eroding the land.

Enjoyed seeing the kids at the mission this afternoon! Ashley did a ID project with them. She’s always so creative!

Had a group from Global Frontiers come by to visit with me today. Fun to meet others interested in the International population.

Ate supper with Jesse. Always good!

Came home to work on admin duties.

Enjoyed watching American Ninja Warrior with K. Never too much K!

Back to working on burning dvds.

I saw this beetle this afternoon. It was as long as my index finger. Haven’t seen a beetle this big since living in Kenya.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Shopping! FBC Mountain Park! Rest!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:55 am  

Kathy and I had a restful weekend after our trip to Madison this week.

I’m trying to let my voice recuperate from the Summer and my foot still hurts. I can walk pretty normally now, but every so often I’ll bump it or step on it wrong and WOW! It can really get my attention. Looking forward to recording and to running. BOTH I’m not able to do right now.

Did the shopping on Saturday. Always something interesting to see.


Sunday, Kathy and I went to FBC Mountain Park. What a great service! Music and and Pastor Paul were both terrific.

Hung out at the house and rested.

Getting ready to start a big promo project for a conference later this month. I’m burning 75 dvds. That’ll take some time.

I wear this around during the day, just to slow me down.