Tim A. Cummins @ 5:04 pm
I burned the DVDs for our promotional packets a few days ago. Today I printed out 20 covers and put them on the disks.

I made my own coffee this morning. I kind of miss my friends at QT.

Went by the Atlanta Metro Baptist Association office to pick up our newsletters. THANKS!

I folded the newletters and stuffed them into the envelopes.
Then I went to the Post Office to get them in the mail stream.

I’m still working on putting the promotional packages together. Shouldn’t take too long.
Admin duties now.
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Tim A. Cummins @ 8:03 pm
I had a fun morning recording a new podcast!

It’s great to have a little break in the manic schedule to do other things.

Doing what you love is a goal of life. Are you living the life you dream of? If not, check out “Cheap Seats!”

Just click on the title and GROOVE!
Enjoyed lunch with BOTH my girls today!

I made my first cup of coffee in several years.

I decided I could brew my own.
Came home to rest, then shot off to the mission with Ashley. Before we went to Chamblee, we stopped at T and G to see about Miles’ car.
She’s getting the Explorer checked out before she transitions to that car with the baby. It had bad wheel bearings in the front left tire. They got that fixed this afternoon.
Then we went to a new apartment complex to talk with their management about hosting a block party at their property. I felt pretty good about the meeting. Lord willing, they’ll let us in.

Had a good time working with the kids at the mission.

They helped stick magnetic strips on the back of the new prayer card.

(The picture looks great on the card. I didn’t hold the camera quite steady enough in this shot.)
Helped the kids with their homework.

Cleaned up the mission.
Jesse and I are going to Tennessee and Kentucky next week. We’re going to see our good friend Anthony Jacquin from England. While I’m in the area, I’ll be talking to local churches about coming to work with us in Atlanta.
Admin duties now.
Gives a new meaning to the words “Bird Feeder.” Can you see what’s in the tree?

Zoomed in.

It’s a juvenile Red Shouldered Hawk.
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Tim A. Cummins @ 9:38 pm
Put some bills in the mail.

This morning I worked on a new podcast! It’s one of my favorite things to do.

Do you ever have a problem with not sleeping because of worry? Sometime it’s best to “change the channel” in your mind! Head for “Clicker Brain.”
Just click on the title and GROOVE!

I also post on FaceBook.

Did some shopping at Walmart. New blue jeans.

I thought this was a pretty crazy toy.

Went by the Dollar Tree to pick up some little containers. I use the lids as a small dish for my plants.

Enjoyed lunch with Kathy.
Brief rest then on to the mission!

I liked Marle’s smiling fish.

Ton of kids.

We had two moms bring their kids to help us with homework.
Came home to work on admin duties.
Enjoyed watching “White House Down” with K this evening.
This is gross, even on a tire.

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Tim A. Cummins @ 7:43 pm
This morning I recorded a new podcast! Woot!

Do you find it difficult not to be critical of other people?

Then take a listen to “The Acception.”
Just click on the title and GROOVE!
Went to Walmart to do the weekly shopping.

I got a new succulent. Beautiful shaped leaves.

Dropped by the Post Office to pick up the stamps for the newsletter.

Enjoyed lunch with Kathy.
Short rest, then to the mission in Chamblee.

The kids helped us with the newsletter labels.

Plenty of homework. I helped with with Greatest Common Factor and Lowest Common Multiple.
I always bring doughnuts on the day we do the labels. They love doing both!

Home now to work on admin duties.
I wonder if that kid has $1.5 million lying around?

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Tim A. Cummins @ 9:08 pm
Late last night I finished uploading to my Twitter feed for the next six weeks or so.

I produced my newsletter this morning.
Also printed out the labels for the envelopes.

While at the mission, I checked to make sure we have enough envelopes. I still need to buy the stamps. 128 on the list this month.
This morning I put on my backpack and hiked 3.81 miles. Took me a little over an hour.
My last mile, the bottom of my foot started to hurt.

Had to go pretty slowly. Still made it!
Came home to rest.
Then off to the mission! Plenty to keep me busy!

I’m teaching her to count to 100. Remember that? She wasn’t getting it.

She just stood in front of the board and cried. She finally figured it out after some practice. You could tell she was proud of herself. I was too.
K and I ate supper with Jesse. Always good.
Home now for admin duties.
I like the sound of this.

I think the new iPhone may be a bit small.

Mushrooms are so cool.

I don’t think most kids would have an idea what this is.

I love the diffraction of light.

Fire clouds.

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Tim A. Cummins @ 5:55 pm
Rained nearly another 1.5″ last night and today.

K and I enjoyed going to Westside Baptist Church this morning.

Pastor Ben talked about the lists of spiritual gifts found in the Bible.

What’s your spiritual gift?
Came home to rest and enjoy some quiet.
I watched a documentary about wingsuit fliers. Man, is that ever dangerous.
Cleaned out the hummingbird feeders this afternoon. I needed to soak them in bleach for a while.

I mix up the sugar water in these two measuring cups.

Admin duties now.
Loved these clouds.

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Tim A. Cummins @ 5:42 pm
Saturday I enjoyed recording a new podcast! Are you ready to go on a safari in your mind? The all aboard the Brain Train to the “Zoom Room.”
Just click on the title and GROOVE!
Wrote checks for bills.

Cleaned out the bird feeders and baths.

I worked on the yard in the afternoon.
Protection first.

Mowed the front and most of the back yard. Picked up a lot of sticks from the storms we’ve had lately.

K and I enjoyed eating Brazilian food at Sabor do Brazil in Marietta.

Then we went to the Rodeo! Reminded me of High School days in Georgetown, TX.

Fantastic clouds.

Just in case you forgot.

Who gets $1.84 of gas?

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Tim A. Cummins @ 6:07 pm
Dropped off the Financial Report that Ashley does for Whirlwind Missions to our Treasurer’s house.

This morning I recorded a new podcast! It’s another in my Brain Train series. I think Zoom Room is a lot of fun!
Stopped at an antiques store on the way to H. Ridge. Always something interesting to see!

Met up with Maria, the manager of Huntington Ridge and Mike, the Regional Manager for the company.

I introduced them to another of my partners than can provide more consistent help: Lighthouse.
Ate Indian food at Ashiana. Good.

Got my car cleaned inside and out.

Came home to work on admin duties.
Wrote checks.

Now that’s REALLY hot!

The Tetragrammaton. The name of God.

The first time I’ve seen a “driverless car.” He wasn’t staying in his lane too well.

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Tim A. Cummins @ 10:51 pm
I rained over 1 1/2″ over the last two days.

This morning I took Ashley into Decatur to pick up the car she’s using. She and her girlfriends are headed to the beach for a few days. It’s their tenth anniversary of graduating from High School.
Picked up Kathy and we drove to Roswell to meet with our lawyer who is also Kathy’s brother, David.

We’ve recently updated our wills to include our house.

K and I had a nice lunch together. Then I brought her back home so she could go to work.
I turned back around and went to Chamblee to work with the kids.

I like Tamid’s marketing project.

Plenty to keep me busy.
When I’d finished working with the kids, I did a quick clean up/put up of the mission. I think it’s best to at least start the week with a little organization.

J and I ate supper together at 5 Guys. He’s been feeling a little under the weather. I’m glad he’s able to rest.
Watched the end of an excellent movie called Storm Surfers. It’s the story of these two Australian surfers got at the biggest waves in the world. Amazing photography.
Admin duties now.
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Tim A. Cummins @ 9:01 pm
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