Whirlwind Missions

Monday, July 27, 2020

Anthony! Podcast! Front Yard! 7.27.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:02 pm  

Studied Spanish did my brain training. Surprised?

Had a great talk my buddy Anthony today.

I recorded an episode of Verbal Surgery today called “Future Self.” Got that on my computer so I can upload it later next week.

Came home, had a brief rest, then started mowing my yard. It was a hot day. With 49% humidity it felt like 97. I was absolutely drenched with sweat. It really is astonishing how strong I am these days.

It’s a big job that took me 2.15 hours.

Besides mowing, I also edged and blew all the debris.

Looks much better now.

Worked on trimming up the pink magnolia in my front yard to make it look more like a tree rather than a shrub.

After I finished all the yard work, I cleaned the bird baths and cleaned and refilled the hummingbird feeders.

Swept my back porch area.

Looking forward to having the little girls tomorrow.

Tim A. Cummins
Timacummins@ Twitter & Facebook
VerbalSurgery.com. Podcasts

Monday, July 27, 2020

Podcast! Plants! 7.26.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:39 am  

Studied Spanish and did my brain training. 250 days of studying Spanish in a row. My all-time long streak is 282 days studying Portuguese.

Restful Sunday today.

I laid out my newsletter and printed it.

I released a new episode of Verbal Surgery -779- “Inner Limits 2.” Always good!

Recorded “Wait-a-bit”.

Almost an inch of rain yesterday.

Watered and spent time with my plants.

I was looking at some of the tie tacks I inherited from my grandfather. One is a Dik-dik horn and the other is lion claw.

Tim A. Cummins
Timacummins@ Twitter & Facebook
VerbalSurgery.com. Podcasts

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Neowise! Grandgirls! Stone Mountain Train & Dinosaurs! Storms! 7.24-25.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:03 am  

Thursday night, I went out to the country to see the Neowise comet. It was a beautiful evening and I enjoyed spotting it. I couldn’t take a picture of it. Which for me almost makes the spotting not count!

Listened to radio from Madrid on my ride out to Loganville.

Studied Spanish and did my brain training the last two days. This fifth level is way harder than the other four. I like the challenge.

Friday morning,the grand girls and I did our studying and then went to Stone Mountain to ride the train. We had a great time with that!

Then finished our Safari with an exploration of the dinosaur exhibit. It was outside in a natural environment and was one of the best things I’ve ever seen in that genre. They looked extraordinarily real, they moved, and the sound effects really topped off the experience.

It was a little bit scary for Penelope. I think Everly would’ve climbed on them if I would’ve let her!

They liked the learning games.

Love these girlies!

Rode my bike 15.18 miles Friday.

I found a $10 bill on the side of the road. That’s always good!


Got the new bells in for our little school. I’m waiting to open them until the girls get here.

Saturday was very rainy. Powerful thunderstorms.

This is called advection fog.

Got the groceries.

Wrote my newsletter.

I still need to lay it out with pictures and print it. That will be a Sunday job.

Enjoyed talking to my mom for over an hour and a half on Saturday. She’s always a blessing to me.

Tim A. Cummins
Timacummins@ Twitter & Facebook
VerbalSurgery.com. Podcasts

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Grandgirls! Stone Mountain Ledge! Bike! 7.23.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:50 pm  

I studied Spanish and did my brain training.

Learned a new word this morning ”descalzo” which means “barefoot” I like that one.

Grand girls came over, always good.

I got three new wooden puzzles to work with them on. Letters, numbers, and shapes.

I have them for about eight hours a day. I spend a significant amount of time just working on educational type things.

I’m also teaching them how to scramble some eggs and cook them in the microwave.

I give them a chance to play with markers on a whiteboard.

I let them practice some exercises on my weight bench.

They have fun jumping on the bed.

Took them to Stone Mountain for a hike. I like to show them natural things like moss and lichens and how they grow.

Then we went to where in the old days they cut granite from Stone Mountain. We hiked up a little bit there and also looked at an exhibit there. I was showing them the drill marks here.

I got home and modified Penelope’s car seat. Sometimes the design of the seats are really bad. It was very difficult to get the bottom part latched. So I added about 3 inches of length on that. I borrowed a similar material from another seat that we never used and then sewed it on. I took my time and made a lot of stitches so it’s super strong. Now it’s easy to put on her and she doesn’t complain about it. Took me nearly an hour, but worth it.

Another hot day. Felt like 99.

Rode my bike 15.23 miles.

It’s pretty clear tonight so I’m getting ready to go and see if I can spot the comet. I’ve already seen it once, but I’d like to see it in a darker environment.

Tim A. Cummins
Timacummins@ Twitter & Facebook
VerbalSurgery.com. Podcasts

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Grandgirls! Stone Mountain! Cemetery! 7.22.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:41 pm  

I studied Spanish this morning. I still need to do my brain training, I’ll do that later tonight.

Had the girls come over early today. Always a blessing.

We worked on reading and recognition of letters.

Had breakfast then we went to Stone Mountain to the lake there and enjoyed feeding the geese.

Had a great talk with my buddy Anthony while I was there. The girls enjoyed meeting their uncle Anthony.

Penelope made a little graveyard with pinecones because I told her we were going to go visit the graveyard at Stone Mountain later.

We enjoyed watching the cable cars come down.

It was the first time I’ve gone out to eat at a restaurant in over three months. We wore masks inside the restaurant then sat outside by ourselves so I felt we were safe.

Then to visit the graveyard at Stone Mountain. It’s an unusual place because some of some of the carvings including one that has KKK on it.

It was another hot day at 99°.

I did the squirrel taxi job.

Picked up groceries at Walmart.

Studied Spanish verbs.

Put all the groceries inside after cleaning them.

I rode my bike 10.84 miles. Got caught in a rainstorm.

Listened to radio from Madrid and Harry Potter in Spanish.

Thankfully, Kathy was able to come and get me.

Penelope and I talked about the dinosaurs that used to be at Stone Mountain. I told her they weren’t there anymore. Then I saw this advertisement on Facebook. It’s like Zuckerberg is listening to everything I’m saying. It’s pretty weird.

Tim A. Cummins
Timacummins@ Twitter & Facebook
VerbalSurgery.com. Podcasts

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Grandgirls! Baseball Park! Podcast! 7.21.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:33 pm  

I studied Spanish and did my brain training.

I liked the lichen on this little branch.

Kathy started a new job today at Always Fresh. She really liked it.

Enjoyed having the grand girls come over. I took them to the baseball park. I had them run to the different letters as I called them out. It’s all education.

Had fun at the park.

Another super hot day here in the ATL.

I transported a squirrel. The taxi keeps going. This particular squirrel was climbing on the wire where the bird feeder was at. I haven’t seen a squirrel do that in months. It may have been one that used to be in my yard before.

I went to Stone Mountain to do some recording. I like the fountains they have there at the entrance.

I recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Darkest Light.” It’s a good one. It’s a update from my episode called “Death Test.”

I also released a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Here We Go.”

I also recorded piece for a friend of mine was having problem with migraines.

Listened to radio from Madrid.

Rained this afternoon. Kept me from riding my bike.

Made my grocery order for this week. I so like the curbside pick up.

Completely cloudy this evening so impossible to go try and see the comet again. The next time I go out I’m going to a much darker location out of town. See if it looks better then.

Tim A. Cummins
Timacummins@ Twitter & Facebook
VerbalSurgery.com. Podcasts

Monday, July 20, 2020

Grandgirls! Bank! Bike! 7.20.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:54 pm  

Studied Spanish and did my brain training.

I went outside and found the raccoon had gotten into my trashcan again. I had a clear thought of needing a bungee cord in order to tie that lid down.

Grand girls came over. Had a great time with them. They helped me clean out the bird baths. Filled them up.

Then helped me clean out all the hummingbird feeders, stir up the sugar water, refill those and put them up.

We cleaned out my small shrine for St. Francis.

Another super hot day today.

Filled out a form for the North American Mission Board.

Did my squirrel taxi job again today.

Rode my bike 15.27 miles. May have been my fastest route ever.

While on my bike ride, I found the exact thing I was looking for to close that trashcan lid up. That’s what I call a “direct hit.” That when I think of something very clearly and then find it in a random place. Last time I had something like that happen was when I was thinking about foam to fill in the oak tree in my backyard. I also found that on the side of the road.

Fantastic clouds today.

Also saw some type of hawk during my ride. It wasn’t one that I easily recognized.

I used that cord to tie up the trashcan.Perfect fit! That sort of stuff happens to me all the time. It’s related to the “dirty money game.”

Listened to Harry Potter while I rode my bike.

This evening I went out to Stone Mountain to see the Neo Wise comet. I did see it, but it was very dim. I had my good binoculars with me. I’ve seen three major comets over the last few decades. Includes Haley’s comet, Hale-Bopp, and Kohutek. They were all pretty much non-events. I did a lot of research to figure out where to look for them but otherwise they were pretty much not worth the time except that’s just one of the things I do! It was still great to be out there on that Mountain, totally dark, by myself. The rock was still hot even though it was a couple of hours after sunset.

Kathy got a new job today. I’m proud of her effort. It will mean handling the grandgirls by myself. I do enjoy their company so much.

Tim A. Cummins
Timacummins@ Twitter & Facebook
VerbalSurgery.com. Podcasts

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Anthony! Podcast! Bike! 7.19.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:09 pm  

Here are the best instructions I’ve found to see the comet Neowise this week. It should be your best chance on the 23rd. That is if it’s clear then.

I did my brain training and studied Spanish.

Had a great talk with my buddy Anthony today. It always helps me clarify my thinking when I’ve had a chat with him.

Another hot day. Felt like 100°. That’s 38°C.

Transported a squirrel. Guess I’m a squirrel taxi.

Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery. Always fun.

I listened to radio from Madrid while I drove around.

Picked up groceries from Walmart. Next week starts mandatory wearing of mask to go into the store. I think that’s a great idea! I’m still sticking to curbside pick up.

I got an email from a new friend in Italy. It was great to hear from him.

I rode my bike 13.20 miles. My Runkeeper app has been acting wonky lately. Don’t know why.

I thought this little flower growing out of the asphalt was cool.

Beautiful clouds again this evening. Marvelous night for a bike ride.

Tim A. Cummins
Timacummins@ Twitter & Facebook
VerbalSurgery.com. Podcasts

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Podcast! John Lewis! Bike! 7.18.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:06 pm  

Studied Spanish and did my brain training.

Enjoyed a fun chat with my buddy Rob Chapman in the UK.

Released an episode of Verbal Surgery called “Lil Flower.” It’ll help you get going so check it out and feel good, NOW!

It was a hot day here in the ATL. Felt like 100°. That’s 38°C for my European friends.

I transported three squirrels today. That’s a record.

I ordered groceries from Walmart. I’ll pick those up tomorrow.

Sad day for us here in the ATL, as our resident John Lewis passed away. He was a great humanitarian and civil rights leader.

Rode my bike 15.21 miles. Listened to radio from Madrid that whole hour and 30 minutes.

I thought the bark on this tree was super cool looking as was this unusual mushroom.

Beautiful clouds, too.

Recorded an episode of Verbal Surgery this afternoon called “Here We Go.” I’ll release that next week.

Tim A. Cummins
Timacummins@ Twitter & Facebook
VerbalSurgery.com. Podcasts

Friday, July 17, 2020

Roomba! Raccoon! Grandgirls! Bike! 7.17.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:40 pm  

Last night, I worked on my Roomba. I changed the battery, replaced the whisk, the rollers and the filter, and gave it a thorough cleaning. It’s working again!

This morning, I studied Spanish and did my brain training.

I went outside and for the third day I found my trashcan lid on the ground. The raccoon has figured out where the food is and has been able to do a handstand to pry that lid off. It’s tight so it was pretty surprising to me.

I put a big rock on it this evening. It’s gonna be a little test for him now, I reckon.

Enjoyed having the grand girls today. I’m trying to spend more time in education mode which is what I prefer. I got several games and puzzles for them to put together.

They’re both extremely bright. I’m looking forward to working with them more on that.

Hot day here in the ATL.

Rode my bike 15.22 miles this evening. It still felt like 99°.

I put a new bottle holder on Kathy’s bike. I’m using hers while mine is getting tweaked up.

On my ride this evening, the seat started to swivel. That’s never good.

I’ll keep a tool in my bike bag from now on.

I transported squirrel number 132 today. I pretty much take one every day. It never ends but it does keep the population lower which is what I want.

While riding my bike, I went through all the scripture and poetry that I’ve memorized.

Powerful clouds this evening.

Tim A. Cummins
Timacummins@ Twitter & Facebook
VerbalSurgery.com. Podcasts

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