Whirlwind Missions

Friday, June 3, 2022

Grandgirls! Keswick Park! Video! 6.3.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:42 pm  

I don’t think anyone really believes this will ever end.

I couldn’t believe I actually had someone on Facebook change their mind from a post I wrote.
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Know the difference? It’s something I’ll be working on with the grandgirls.

I want to get a computer running with this for the girls to use.



Beautiful clouds this morning.

I was at Azalea around 7AM this morning to help Ashley get to an early morning training she had. Enjoyed being with the girls! Took them to Waffle House.

Then to Keswick Park.

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I’m always creating obstacle courses for them.

Counting steps!

They had fun “surfing.”

I’m training them to recognize Poison Ivy. Here are some pictures. Which ones do you think are Poison Ivy. Some of them are pretty tricky.




(Only #2!)

While we were at the park, I met a lady from Brazil! She told me about where she lives. Sounds very different from the parts I visited.

Message from NASA.


We stayed in Chamblee today. Miles came home early. He could finish his work at home.

I went to my office to record and produce a video for the church that’s coming next week to work with us.

They liked it!

Checked the mail. Processed the checks. I’ll deposit them tomorrow.

Another new English word.


I found a hole in one of my shirts this morning. I wore it anyway since it wasn’t noticeable. Repaired it this evening.

I worked on the tickets for our trip to Texas in July. I changed the dates around the teams coming and managed to get some pretty good prices. Turned out to only be an increase of $40 for the changes. I really like Southwest’s attitude!

I worked on it with my Mac and talked to my Mom at the same time on my iPhone.

Changed some information on out spreadsheet for the teams.

Summer Schedule. Wish we had more teams, but it is what it is. Getting better!

I study off and on all day long when I have a chance.